Content Writing: The Must-Have'S
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Content Writing: The Must-have's

Content Writer
Content creators often suffer from a dillemma. They have a creative ego and they have to manage their clients' egos. Once in a while, they find themselves struggling to strike a great work chord with the client while also trying to be creative in their approach.

I have learnt some very hard lessons in this field that were a lot of times heart-breaking. Yet the best of the lessons were learnt in the worst of the circumstances. 

So this is what I have got in the last seven years of working as a content creator.

* Get the briefing right: Save yourself from tedious editing by being attentive on the day one. During a client briefing, pay attention. If he is not speaking much, make him. Don't leave his office without having a clear idea of what he really wants. This will save you a lot of time and blood later.


* Do your homework: Do your own research of the market of your client. If you are writing for a real estate website, get the feel by browsing a few famous names in the sector. Read what they have written. This will prevent you from being a cliche when you get down to write.


*Never have favourite lines: It's okay if you have to chop off a few of your favourite lines from the content you wrote. What matter is whether or not your content fulfills a client requirement.


* Don't overplay: Before you use your amazing vocabulary or your favourite phrase, think again. Will your canon be understood by your readers? Use words that relate. Refrain from the temptation of impressing clients by your vocabulary.


* Keep it simple: It's good to have a concept. It's great to have a simple one. Create a concept that your customers/readers will relate to. Tickle a funny bone or strike an emotional chord.

And despite all this, if you have a few tear-jerking rejections, take heart. It has happened to all of us.


