Quality Management Requirement: Employee Commitment
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Quality Management requirement: Employee commitment

Management Consultant

Focus on employee commitment from the part of management can save the management from crisis and money.

The story reproduced from tales of 'Panchatantra', as it is, to avoid dilution and provoke students and managers to conduct brain storming for developing efficient and effective strategies in managing an organization.

This is a story told to children through a dialogue between two jackals named Karataka and Damanaka.

Long, long ago, a merchant named Vardhaman lived in a town in the south of India.As he was resting on his bed one day, it struck him that money was the axis of the world and that the more he had of it the more he would be powerful. Even enemies seek the friendship of a rich man, he told himself. The old become young if they have riches and the young become old if they do not have wealth.Business is one of the six ways that help man amass wealth. This was his logic.

Mobilizing all his wares, Vardhaman set out on an auspicious day for Madhura in search of markets for his goods. He began his travel in a gaily-decorated cart drawn by two bullocks. On the way,tired of the long haul, one of the bullocks named Sanjeevaka collapsed in the middle of a jungle near river Jamuna. But the merchant continued his journey asking some of his servants to take care of the animal. But the servants abandoned the bullock soon after their master had left. Joining him later, they told him that the bullock was dead.

In fact, Sanjeevaka was not dead. Such incidents do happen in business. The damage could turn out to be heavy may be immediately or in the later stage. How do we keep track of such possibilities?
