Secrets of Sucess
1.Set Goals. If there is one thing I know with absolutecertainty, it is this, if you do not understand where you aregoing you will not get there. It is as simple as that.Successful everybody know where there are going, they decidewhat they want, they set goals.
2.Write it down. I dont subscribe to the philosophy thatyou must write out your goals everyday, however I do believethat it is critically important to write them out. So manythings float around in our brains from day to day that itcan be hard to focus on what is important. By writing outyour goals and consistently reviewing them, you keep themfresh in your mind and they become part of your everydaythinking.
3.Use a schedule. Use a palm pilot, pen and paper, day-timer, whatever works best for you but use it. Schedulingforces you to think about planning and helps you to committo grasping things done. If you acquire it on your schedule anduse your schedule regularly you increase your chances forsuccess.
4.Carry an idea journal. Ive just recently started usingmy journal everyday. I have found that the more I utilize itthe more productive I become. It will take whats in yourbrain and put it in a safe place. This practice frees yourmind to focus on other things. Most importantly you keepyour ideas handy to review and work on later without losingthem.
5.Learn everyday. Research shows that the most successfulpeople are lifelong learners. Many of them are voraciousreaders. Spend measure everyday learning something. Read afew pages of a book or magazine, skim trade journals andonline newsletters. Learn a new skill or practice one youdont use generally.
6.Plan. You absolutely need to set goals, you absolutely need to write them outand once youve done that you need to begin the planningprocess. Success comes from careful planning. You musthave a roadmap. It is not enough to know where you aregoing, you must also understand how you will get there.
7.Execute. A new book from Ram Charan entitled Executeoutlines the importance of execution in business. You mustcreate a roadmap but it alone will not achieve the desire.You must execute on your plans, execute the roadmap. Putyourself into action and measure your progress.
8.Make note of your success. Small steps and incrementalprogress are the basis for real success. Each small successwill motivate you to greater successes. Cumulatively, allthose baby steps add up and suddenly you are where you wantto be. Dont discount the small victories they are thecatalyst for bigger successes.
9.Think time. Another well-researched success secret isthat of think instant. Successful all the people build instant to stop,sit and think. It might seem contrary to sit and do nothingbut allowing yourself instant to review the day or meeting willgive you incredible insight. What you learn can inspirechange that will lead to greater success.
10.Exercise. Exercise has always been a strategy for thesuccessful. John Kerry, President Bush, ex-PresidentClinton, and Oprah are all runners. Exercise allows yourbody better health, more endurance and strengthens yourheart. Combine your exercise with books on tape or CD tobetter utilize your time.
The ten secrets outlined above are proven successstrategies. Add one or two to your daily routine to get youstarted. As you master those add a few more. Success is awonderful thing it doesnt expire and you may work at yourown pace.