4 Management Tips To Getting Unstuck
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4 management tips to getting Unstuck

Assistant Editor
 4 steps to getting unstuck is a part of "A practical plan for when you feel overwhelmed" by Peter Bregman. After reading it i felt i should share it..

 so.. next time when you are stressed out by how much you need to accomplish, try out  these four steps:

  1. Make a list. Write down everything you need to do on a piece of paper.
  2. Do the quick hits. Take 15 minutes, no more, to do the fastest things on your list: a quick email response, the 2-minute phone call. Use a timer to keep you focused.
  3. Turn off distractions. Now spend 35 minutes focused on the tougher things on the list with your phone and email alerts switched off.
  4. Take a break and repeat. Take a 10-minute break and start again. Before long, you'll have crossed enough off your list to restore your calm.

