The new form of homo sapiens

I believe we have evolved into a new form humans,the clicking and staring screen species.These are some of the new rituals which technology has developed in our day to day life.The instantaneous button clicking culture is exciting and we all are getting addicted to it.We are extending our mental self by the use of technology.One of the major influencer of this extension of mental self is the new ways in which we communicate.The telecommunication ,the internet and most importantly then social networks.Actually the social networks are creating a second self of your own,you can say that its creating our digital self.You live a different life over there.As we perform the daily activities in our real self,we have to perform the updating and maintaining work in our digital self too.
When technology has become such a crucial part in every human activity it seem like we are becoming slaves to them and they are then ones ruling our life.But i have an another view point too.Its has never occurred in human history that such a lot of people are connected to each other with such a great efficiency and effectiveness,so technology is helping us to be connected and communicated to more and more people.So i think technology is helping us to be more human in an entirely different way... :)