Make Sure Your Phone Has A Genuine IMEI Number By 30th Nov
Make Sure Your Phone Has A Genuine IMEI Number By 30th Nov

What is an IMEI number?
• IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) is unique 15 digit identification number of the Mobile Handset. It is like the registration number of your vehicle.
•One can check the IMEI no of the Mobile Handset by pressing *#06#
•IMEI numbers are being allotted by five bodies authorized by GSMA. •From IMEI number one can identify the make and model of the handset. • To verify the IMEI number one can send a message “IMEI <15 digit IMEI No.> to 53232 For eg, IMEI 351869910223340 to 53232 Message displayed for correct IMEI – Success!! Message displayed for incorrect IMEI – Alert!!! Invalid IMEI •No two mobile handsets in the world should have the same IMEI number. •IMEI number is an important tool for the handset tracking. IMEI Number Structure About Genuine IMEI Implant Mobile Standards Alliance of India (MSAI) is exclusively authorized body in India by GSM Association (GSMA) to perform Genuine IMEI Implant program (GII).MSAI is working in partnership with Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI) and Department of Telecommunications (DOT) to implant the genuine IMEI numbers on to the mobile handsetswhich are carrying bad/non genuine IMEI numbers as a one time Amnesty Program. The Service partners have to follow the process and guideline for this program as prescribed by Department of Telecommunications as advised by the security agencies. •GII Program activated on handsets carrying Invalid IMEI numbers across india. • Unique, one of a kind in the World Benefiting Consumers in a One Time Opportunity Approved by Government and COAI. • Government Bodies Intelligence Agencies & Department of Telecommunication along with COAI Monitoring the development of GII Program. • Full proof time bound program controlled through online central servers. • Pay a nominal charge of Rs 199 (all inclusive) and obtain a receipt. Why GII program? •GII program is being implanted in compliance with the Govt. (DOT) circular barring thehandsets carrying Invalid IMEI numbers. •Security agencies advised DOT of multiple Invalid IMEI on handsets while intercepting terrorist calls. •GII program being run to help protect the interest of consumers who unwittingly bought these handsets. • Operators joined hands to facilitate the conversion of the Invalid IMEI numbers to genuine. Once in a LifeTime Opportunity • Get handsets with Invalid IMEI implanted with genuine IMEI number. • Genuine IMEI recognized by network operators so ‘no barring’ of services. • Govt. approved genuine IMEI implant process. • Choice of 1600 + GII service partners nationwide as they are rolled out. • DO NOT VISIT unauthorized shops as they compromise national security by implanting duplicate/invalid numbers which will be disconnected again. For more information & FAQ’s please refer to the below mentioned link : For a list of genuine GII centers click on the following link : You can also ping me on : talk2me4fun@gmail.comTAC – Type Allocation Code Serial Number Check Digit NN XXXXXX ZZZZZZ A Reporting Body Identifier, eg MSAI Type Identifier defined by MSAI Number range allocated by MSAI but assigned to individual mobile stations by the manufacturer. Defined as a function of all other digits (calculated by the manufacturer).