JAVA: - A Sleeping Beauty
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JAVA: - A Sleeping Beauty

Java is pure object oriented (with wrapper class), internet programming language. Among many of its other features its two important features are:
1- Platform Independence
2- Security

It is pure OO because it has no primitive data type. Every data type is treated as object here. Every data type has its own wrapper class.
It is Internet programming languages because it was basically developed for internet operations. Java is queen of backend. It is used for creating dynamic pages.

Java uses virtual machine called java virtual machine which makes its own environment with the machine. It uses ‘javac’ compiler and ‘java’ interpreter to compile and interpret any java program. These both provide security to java code. ‘javac’ convert source code into Intermediate form called ‘Bytecode’ which is machine understandable. Java interpreter is designed such that when any ‘byte code’ come to it only start working and rest time it remain sleeping with in the machine.

Nikhil kulshrestha is writer of this blog. Nikhil is from technical field completed his Mater of Computer Applications in 2009.