Interview??? You Should Ask These Questions To Your Hiring Manager
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Interview??? You should ask these questions to Your Hiring Manager

Got an interview call??? Not be surprised, most of the organizations you have applied will be calling you if you are the potential candidate they are seeking. Just try to know whether they are the right employers, you need to work with.

Once you have signed to work in the industry, at least you have to complete one year of your career as it gonna aftect your future job search. So, if you approach an organization for your career dream, prepare your mind that youi gonna work their for long-time. It is very much appreciated both for you and your employees.

While you are interviewed by an Hiring Manager, you have to ask a lot many things to them as well. Keep in mind that Career is not where you have to kill yourself for livlihood. You gonna spend most of your life span at work.

You should know:

1. What they offer for you to take home, of course you will be  told to (check your basic salary, other allowances including travel expenses & accomodation etc).

2. Work Timings, ask about the work timings, flexibility to work from home... etc.

3. Ask about the  working environment, if possible find out someone working in the organization among your network.

4. Pull out more questions about job profile, what they expect you to do at work. The detailed enquiry will help you to avoid adding responsibilities dayt by day.

5. Keep in mind, if you compromise any of the requirements whether you are able to do it.

6. Inquire about the leave policies, marriage leaves, maternity leaves, or other emergency leaves.

7. Inquire about the office attire you are supposed to wear.

8. Ask about the other policies as well.

9. Check it out the certificates you need to submit and the duration of probabtion period.

10. You should also know how they evaluate the work for appraisal.



