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Turn off TV,Turn on Life
`` Boy scolded for watching TV, sets himself ablaze`` - a news item in The Hindu today-Chennai edition.
It is shocking to read.
Television an invention of this century occupies our mind, time too much.
It is really too much that children have become uncontrollable.
Keep a watch on this silent time robber.
Stop and think.
Do you rush for the remote the moment you enter your home ?
On the negative side,TV watching spoils your health.
Be responsible. Take care of your time and health.
Here are a few Tips:
1. Do not turn the TV on,just because it is there.
2. Turn off the TV,especially when there is not something that you want to watch.
3. Keep a watch on what you watch.
4. Watch what programmes your children watch during your absence from home and also late night.
5. Parents/elders should exercise self control on the time spent before TV.
6. Avoid watching TV just before retiring to bed
7. Avoid eating while watching TV. You lose the taste of food.
8. Chances of eating junk food will be high.
9. Do not engage your visitors by turning on the TV.Spend time with people
Turn off Television.Turn on Life.
It is shocking to read.
Television an invention of this century occupies our mind, time too much.
It is really too much that children have become uncontrollable.
Keep a watch on this silent time robber.
Stop and think.
Do you rush for the remote the moment you enter your home ?
On the negative side,TV watching spoils your health.
Be responsible. Take care of your time and health.
Here are a few Tips:
1. Do not turn the TV on,just because it is there.
2. Turn off the TV,especially when there is not something that you want to watch.
3. Keep a watch on what you watch.
4. Watch what programmes your children watch during your absence from home and also late night.
5. Parents/elders should exercise self control on the time spent before TV.
6. Avoid watching TV just before retiring to bed
7. Avoid eating while watching TV. You lose the taste of food.
8. Chances of eating junk food will be high.
9. Do not engage your visitors by turning on the TV.Spend time with people
Turn off Television.Turn on Life.