Google +1: Expand Your Interior Design Network
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Google +1: Expand Your Interior Design Network

Google has taken a new step by taking their search function to a new social level by introducing the new +1 button. In the past, Google had invested in modifying their search results so that they could focus more on their specific users’ need. The biggest example would be iGoogle which helped promote the websites with the highest rankings. And it shows those results in your top search results which contain the information you are searching.

Now Google has decided to mix there SEO expertise with social media. The +1 button will simply work like Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, except the only difference will be that if you ‘+1’ an article or web page, than Google +1 will help promote that article or website to your contact Google services. It will also help in recommending content to your friends as well as family. Through this new feature Google is trying to inbuilt a more friendly, accurate and focused result oriented search system which contains user relevant content.

However, the primary question is how this new tool will affect your website’s rank in the search results? The answer is yet to be found. But with the ever increasing emphasis on social sharing, Google+1’s battle may begin with other social networking sites. The primary benefit of Goggle+1 is that it presents more concise search results.

If you want to know about the network you just need to follow the instruction: Register for or sign into your Google account, Go to, Click 'join the experiment', Get '+1ing' for those living in the UK you may need to set your Google search engine

Right now you can become a part of a small percent of Google search users on This means all the people in your Gmail & Google Talk chat list, people in your "My Contacts" group in Google, people in Google Reader or Google Buzz will see your "likes" on search results pages and on your Google Profile.

According to Google all ads will be getting these buttons, there will be no way for advertisers to turn them off, clicks on the "+1 button" will not count as a paid ad-click. Advertisers will be able to see stats about which ads are getting the most +1s. As of now Google search and Google ads are only places to see "+1" buttons. Soon publishers will be able to put these buttons on their web pages.

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