Ice Massaging
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ice massaging

Massaging ice on the swollen part of the feet relieves both the pain and swelling. Put a few ice cubes in a plastic bag, wrap it up with a towel and rub the ice pack over the affected heel for 15 minutes. It is advisable that you continue with ice massage even when there is no pain. The cold temperature will help to reduce the inflammation in the area and your body can heal up the damage faster. An amazing therapeutic treatment for heel spur is hot and cold foot bath alternately. Soak your feet in cold water for 15-20 minutes and it should be followed by soaking of the foot in hot water. For best results, use a borax solution for hot foot bath and chlorinated water for cold foot bath. Supplements of curcumin or turmeric are an excellent natural remedy for heel spur. Usually, the daily dosage should be 500 mg of the extract for 6 weeks. It should be taken on empty stomach for best results


