Homeopathy: A Medical Science Miracle
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Homeopathy: A medical science miracle

Homoeopathy is a system of medicine that designed to stimulate the body's own healing processes in order to cure illnesses, based on the Law of Similars. It is based upon the discovery that a substance in small doses may alleviate symptoms similar to those it causes at higher doses The truth of this law has been verified experimentally and clinically for the last 200 years. The phrase "likes are cured by likes" is often used to describe a basic concept behind homoeopathy.The main principle of homoeopathy, a unique scientific system of medicine was developed by the German physician and chemist, by Samuel Hahnemann two centuries ago, is that of ‘similia’ or ‘simile’ (similarity), which means ‘let likes be cured by likes’. In other words, when a substance is capable of inducing a series of symptoms in a healthy living system, low doses of the same substance can cure these symptoms under certain circumstances (‘similia similibus curentur’).Through numerous homoeopathic experiments called "provings", Dr. Hahnemann then determined that the effects of the remedies( he tested on himself ) were too toxic at the conventional dosage level. He found that when a remedy is properly diluted, healing is achieved without the severe side effects.

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