Optimize a landing page or target page

Landing page play an important role in obtaining site traffic, however, to fulfill this objective must be designed according to certain factors that invite visitors to click on them. A destination page must be able to resolve the doubts of the visitor and show what the user is looking for.
Here are some tips to improve the performance of target pages.
1. – Improve Titles: When a user enters a page, check roughly if the information you seek, therefore, is essential to achieve capture their attention in those few seconds.
You must use clear and compelling titles, graphics that define what the user can find on the site, the content should be so attractive that can catch the reader’s interest.
2. – Matching between search and content: As mentioned above, users will not read the entire contents, try to identify the information that they need.
If the article is about “top 10 bars”, then you should create a list of large numbers, if the text is a comparison between products, then you should include pictures, so it easy for visitors to identify intention page.
READ MORE AT : http://optiinfo.wordpress.com/2013/05/14/how-to-optimize-a-target-page-or-landing-page/
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