Four Laws Of Success
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Four Laws of Success

Sales Director
See interview of Vinod  Mehra

Two renowned marketing Gurus Al Ries and Jack Trout  authored the book “22 immutable laws of marketing”  violate them at your own risk.  The book published around 1993 expounds 22 principals that defines marketing laws that define the success of your business enterprise.   The laws reflect immense marketing wisdom that also applies to an individual success.  And I have shared four principals.

1st. Law of Leadership: It is better to be the first than better.  People remember you when you are the first.  First to launch a product, first to cross the sales mile stone or first to make the sale. People remember the first DTM, First President, First person to cross the channel but not the next.  Hence be the first and carve your impression in the peoples mind.

2nd Law of Category:  Don’t despair if you are not the first; create a category wherein you could be the first.  If you are not the first to bring the sale, be the first to bring sales over USD 1 Million.  If you are not the first to launch the product be the first to launch the product in territory outside your country.

3rd Law of Focus:  The law says if you are not a leader, then you must have focus.  Focus on skills or activity that no one around has a lock on it.  In human relationship we compartmentalize every individual we touch.  Hence rather than others forming opinion about us; choose a word that becomes your differentiator.  This could be a skill – a HUMOROUS SPEAKER; a Strategist, a NEGOTIATOR or a value – TRUST to deliver on or before time.

4th Law of Perception: The law says success or failure is the reflection of people’s perception.  You might be good but if your perception in peoples mind is not good;  you could be a failure.  Sociologist calls this halo effect and flip side as shadow effect.  In both cases the emotional mind takes over the analytic mind.  And if emotional mind thinks you are a great speaker all your faults are hidden and that’s halo effect.   And if an emotional mind thinks you are a bad speaker then no amount of better speaking will raise your image in the peoples mind even when your performance is better and that’s shadow effect.

The five laws are common sense knowledge but they become the differentiator when put in perspective, absorbed and practiced.  Violate them at your own risk.

