Tips For The Sales Interview
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Tips for the Sales interview

Sales Director
See interview of Vinod  Mehra
In the fluid economy, organization are getting leaner but searching for nimble Sales performers.   And if you are a performer expect a call from the recruitment consultants.  Before you step forward to appear for an interview,  do your homework.   Prepare your questions and answers from either side of the table.

“10” Questions to anticipate?

  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. What do you know about our company?
  3. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  4. Tell me about your current job.
  5. What is your current sales target and achievements?
  6. Tell me about your best business deal ?
  7. Why do you want to work for our company
  8. Why are you considering leaving your current job ?
  9. Why do you think you are the best candidate for the job?
  10. What are your salary expectations?


“5”  Questions to ask ?

  1. What is your organization sales strategy?
  2. What will be my “12” month sales Targets  ?
  3. What will be my KPI’s  ?
  4. What will be my career growth plan?
  5. How much do you pay ?

Please note that sale is complemented when you appear for an interview.  Either you make the sale or you make a purchase.  But the professionals who prepare from either side of the table emerge the WINNER.

