Approach To Stress Management
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Approach to Stress Management

Approach to Stress Management

Stress related with mental status is a pendulum oscillating the ranges one end of which represents the minimum and the other end the maximum. It implies that the stress is a state not to be attained once and for all but ever to be renewed in situation. Stress is a subject, which needs to be managed.

Concept of stress management The term stress and management are related to each other management in compasses a wide variety of activities to achieve a goal. The concept of stress is taken from natural science it is a force which acts on body to produce strain an psychology stress is some interaction between him/her with environment. An individual is exposed to various stressful conditions all the time Stress is a subject, which need to be managed The concept of "stress" be emphasized in its dynamic, rather than static contract. The environment of the individual is continuously changing and he has therefore to under go a continuous process of adjustment so as to remove stress. Stress in an adaptive response to a situation that challenging or retaining to the person.

Stress management define is more detail by Ivan Cevich and Mattesy as, "and adaptive response motivated by individual difference and / are Psychological process that is consequence of any external (environmental) action situation or event that places excessive psychological and / or physical demand on a person.

A most widely definition of the term stress is one given by selye as "An adoptive to the external situation that result in physical, psychological and for behavioral deviation for organizational pastiapents "

Evolution of Stress management

The origin of the word stress is not exactly known however it is derived from the Latin word" Stringere" which is means hardship, adversity. This stress was much popular during seventeen century confined to hardship, later in eighteenth and nineteenth centuries to denote force, pressure, strain or strong effort in relation to an object or person. The level of stress is of paramount important to the individual as well as society as whole. The stress has vital links with diverse aspect such as absenteeism rate, morale productivity, intelligence etc.

In the complex and modern era stress is concerned with legitimacy for the people of all walks of life. India is developing country and there is competition everywhere so stresses become as important aspect in Indian corporate world for both employee and employer. Individual and group of the people have different views about stress such as the businessman views stress an foundation or emotional tension and for railways controller it is as alertness and concentration.

Stress is always taken mostly by the people in negative term in the form of pressures to the reactions in the is existing situation. Where as sometimes stress is considered in positive manner in goods ways like employee getting unexpected promotion.

Stress management is defined by many persons but most widely accepted definition is given by I Vancevich and Matteson according to which, "An adaptive response motivated by individual differences and for psychological process that is a consequence of any external (Environmental ) action, situation or event that place excessive psychological and for physical demand on a person."

This definition covers a broad spectrum of activities related to stress.

Sources of stress

It is difficult for an individual who is not knowing the actual source of "Stress Management" many conditions can cause stress management many conditions can cause stress the factors or conditions that contributing to stress are called "Stressors" or loads. The causes of stress may be from within the organization and outside. It may be considered as environmental, organize, groups and individual.

In view of the fore going discussion it is also important to know about the consequence of Stress. Stress will have serious consequences on health as well as job performance. Stress may have impact on a variety of physiological, psychological and behavioral consequence.

Managing Task Perform once and Stress:-

Employees are working in origination facing problem of stress so managing task perform has to take in to consideration

It is also important to see the impact of Stress to manage the employee's task performance in respect of organizational performance. One attempting this direction was given by Nav Strom and Devis who have compassed the relationship between stress and performance on many tasks in behaved to be curvilinear, too low or two higher stress level enterprises with employee's performance and there fore stress level needs to be pontifically adjusted and moderated.

Conclusion: -

There is need to manage with the stress in present day. Though Stress is helpful but usually harmful for his/ her health and ultimately affect the performance. So stress need to be managed with minimum its debilitating effects. It has been used to denote the way of dealing with the stress or the effort major condition of harm threat or challenge when routine or automatic response is not readily available. It is also suggested that various strategies to be used to manage with stress. Mover formulated strategies vary from person to person and in the same person form time tot time. The various strategies may be at individual level and at origination level. In competitive and complex world implementation of the strategies to manage stress may be considered with extra caution. To manage stress in continuous process and & essential aspect in every day life.
