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Leucoderma Skin Disorder, Treatments, Natural cure

Vitiligo is a condition of having more social importance than medical. Although it affects people of all races, the symptoms are more prominent in people with darker complexions. This condition has been the cause of stress for the millions of people affected worldwide, and their near and dear ones.
Dr. Batra, our experience of successfully treating more than 45,000 cases of skin allows us to ensure a safe and scientific Vitiligo. So go and experience a lasting solution that comes to you with no side effects.
Leucoderma causes
However, vitiligo can cause poor hygiene, improper food combination, the regular intake of junk food, insecticides / pesticides consumption regularly treated cultures, history of jaundice and typhoid, units of use antibiotics, etc. One of the main causes of vitiligo can be a sudden emotional trauma, stress. For one reason or reasons for all the substance is formed within the body of the toxin that affects the immune system and alters the immune system, autoimmune disease (a condition in which the body's immune system destroys its own cells and tissues). This is why vitiligo autoimmune fundamental importance according to the Ayurvedic system, as well as allopathic medicine.
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Ayurveda is the oldest system of medicine. According to Ayurveda Leucoderma Vitiligo and are called "Kilas. Also known as "Darun", "Charun" and "Switr" as is tridosaj. It is a skin disorder, mainly due to an improper combination of a regular diet and was due to disruption of the "Vaata 'tridosas namely," Pitta "and" Kapha ". After moving the aggravation and affects rakta , serve and dhatus med.
Leucoderma symptoms
This skin disorder spreads slowly and gradually.
First, because the symptoms of the disease begins with a small white spot and after that is done in patches of color are patches.These at first, but become whiter whites and over time due to the loss of pigmentation. As to enlarge, coalesce and eventually form a very broad patch. In some cases, most of the body's skin can be covered with white spots. Symmetrical appearance on both sides of the body is common. In rare cases, vitiligo is spreading throughout the body.
Leucoderma Treatment
It is very difficult to find a proper cure for an illness, the reason is unknown. There are many proposals for treatmets leucoderma, but none of them have shown a 100%.
The use of creams and lotions to hide the brown spots on the skin is a common method. This hides the patches, but always to apply the cream and the disadvantage is that it maintains no more stain to appear.
These creams are also very common. Steroids affect weaken the body's immune system. So when a steroid cream is applied to the skin, antibodies in the skin weaken and attack the melanocytes and melanin production resumes. Note that this treatment does not guarantee that the stains do not reappear.