Wipe Hard Drive Before Selling It
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Wipe hard drive before selling it

Computer users save their favorite songs, movies, important documents of Word, credit card information and similar data on an external hard drive. An external hard drive can be connected to your computer and allows you to transfer important data on it. The unit is portable and handy, and lets you access data from anywhere in the world. However, as time passes, the hard disk is also filled. In such situations, most computer users buy a new hard drive and dispose of the above. The main problem that arises here is that of data theft, as most users to have their units, either reformat the disk or simply delete the data. These two processes are not permanently remove data from hard drive and always there is always a way to retrieve data using a data recovery software. To ensure compatibility, the user must choose to disk eraser software that can permanently erase data.

To develop this further, consider a practical scenario in which to buy an external hard drive (with 80 GB of storage) to store all information related to the business. However, after a year, the disc is full and there is space on the hard disk. Therefore, it has acquired another hard drive (storage capacity of 1 TB) and transferred the data above the hard drive new hard disk. Now format the old hard drive and sell it to another user. However, this raises the question, is it safe to sell your hard drive after formatting?

The answer to the above question is "No". Format only deletes the file system, not the actual data. The data can be retrieved by a data recovery tool advanced. The buyer of the hard drive you can connect the unit to the system and can view all of your business.

One way to confirm permanently delete all the files is the effective use of a third party hard drive wipe software. These data Eraser Software overwrites all data stored digitally in one go.
