Changes in the Workplace - How is the Job Market Evolving?
Robotic process automation (RPA) will change the labour market in the coming years. While automation has already impacted a number of industries it will be interesting to follow how it will influence the job market in the coming years and decades ahead. Furthermore, many people are afraid that RPA can take away jobs from humans and potentially destroy a number of jobs. How does the reality really look like?
First of all, it need to be pointed out that RPA is not just a new thing, robotic technology has been in place in the job market for many years. The difference we experience now is that the technology and software has evolved which makes automation applicable in almost any industry.
While it is certainly true that automation is more useful and impactful in certain industries, it does have an effect on nearly every industry. This is the big difference to the past where automation has already been in place. Software has become so powerful that it can easily be implemented into systems and markets. Software as a service applications (SaaS) and robotic process automation (RPA) are important and impactful trends to closely monitor in the next years. Thoughtonomy has the latest technology and can improve the efficiency of your business operations significantly.
How can you find out at how much risk your job is? Ask yourself the question whether or not your job tasks are repetitive? This is one of the best indicators to find out about the automation potential of your job. Then look at the level of creativity and critical thinking that is needed. If your job is more open and requires creative ideas or analytical skills, then it might have lower chances to be replaced by a robot.
Also take a look at the following infographic will explain RPA and the future of the job market in more detail.