Freddie Mac (FMCC) Settlements With JPMorgan Chase

The 2010 U.S. Census data shows estimates for business to business (B2B) revenue transacted online at approximately US$300 billion. Compare that with almost $200 billion in B2C transactions. The next decade will be an innovative and demanding one for B2B e-commerce.
iB2BGlobal was founded by CRWE to become a significant B2B international e-commerce company by providing an efficient, trust worthy on-line and mobile optimized platform to facilitate e-commerce between wholesale business suppliers and buyers. The Company's primary model is membership driven, focused on facilitating on-line e-commerce between international sellers of products and buyers.
iB2BGlobal strategy is creating high volume with enticing offers to capture additional market share while also focusing on "added” value services, such as premium placements on its web pages. The Company will strive in balancing free and fee-based service offerings to ensure that a community growth of users is maintained while sustaining revenue growth.
iB2BGlobal product is an online portal allowing two businesses to come together into a transaction without involving the end-user. The trend of online business transactions has eliminated business trade complexities.
Together with its digital network of websites, CRWE offers advertising branding and marketing services as a worldwide online multi-media publisher. CRWE focuses on the distribution of information for the purpose of bringing together a targeted audience and the advertisers that want to reach them.
Freddie Mac (FMCC)
FMCC reported that it has entered into an agreement with JPMorgan Chase concerning FMCC's claims related to representations and warranties on single-family loans sold to FMCC.
Separately, FMCC, Fannie Mae and FHFA also entered into an agreement with JPMorgan Chase to settle litigation concerning investments by FMCC and Fannie Mae in residential non-agency mortgage-related securities.
In total, FMCC will be paid approximately $3.2 billion under the two agreements.
FMCC was established by Congress in 1970 to provide liquidity, stability and affordability to the nation's residential mortgage markets. FMCC supports communities across the nation by providing mortgage capital to lenders.