Net Relationship
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Net Relationship

Is it easy to fall in love with someone online? Lisa tells me that if she chat with or play game with a boy online for a long time, she may love the boy. In my opinion, net relationship is unrealistic. Who is him or her? And What does him or her do? Although he or she may tell you something, we don't know if it is real.

When I am considering how about net relationship, Lisa tells me that she is in love with a boy who often protects her in World of Warcraft. When she was a new player, the boy gives her lots of guides. Then, they become friends. The boy was kind to her. He may remind her when to have meals or sleep. Grudually, she think what does he do if the boy doesn't appear in World of Warcraft. Even, she may stay online whole night in order to wait for the boy. Lisa don't know what does the boy think about her and become a little worried. Once, I suggested Lisa to ask the boy if he likes her. But she dare not. Oh, my brave Lisa has left.Is it power of love?

However, I don't think that Lisa's love will develops well. Lisa just know that the boy is a World of Warcraft player and his character name. What is his real name, where does he live? All these are unknown. As I expect, the boy disappear suddenly and Lisa's love is broken.

Although there are some online love comes true, majority comes to failure. We should consider clearly when involving in net relationship.
