Credit Card: Do Or Die With Card’S Privilege And Adversity
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Credit Card: Do or Die With Card’s Privilege and Adversity

Versatile Freelance Writer

Credit card is a negotiable instrument like a checkor a draft under banking regulations. Credit card is a financial instrument toorder and take money from a banking account. The card is a monetary device tooperate a bank account easily. Credit card is a token of identity as a bankaccount holder. So far, it is considered a bundle of checks and a pass bookand a record of monetary asset of the credit card holder. Now, the credit cardhas become instrumental to the life and death of the card holder.


No one will deny this statement. When you get acredit card, it is for life. Never the less, you can procure more lives; say,you can have more number of credit cards in your life period. The credit cardcompany or the bank is willing to give you the card with a small annual fee.You too must have experienced in getting an annual fee charged in its firstmonthly statement of account.


Even if you do not use the card in the first month,have a surprise and a shock to have a fine, an interest and a service feecharged. It is not the company’s fault, but the company’s computer has acommand to do so. Please bear with such mischievous things. Be reminded thatyour credit card is for life.


If you do not wish to pay the small bill, thecomputer will continue to make similar mistakes repeatedly to add up the unpaidinstallments, fines, interests and service charges. You will astonish to seethe unerring functions of the computer in such cases. Do not think that youhave not borrowed anything from the bank; think in the right way that you haveborrowed to the extent of the credit card’s application or annual fee. Furtherthat you have defaulted by not paying the installment worth card’s fee.


The credit card is helping in a big way. The accountholder need not go to the bank every time to take money from his account. Hecan use the credit card to draw money from any of the branches of the bank andany where in the terrestrial world and even in the space on the net banking.Credit card is an instrument to buy goods in a department store, pay a dinnerbill or buy any commodity available on the net. Be aware that sometimes youwill be trapped in the net and could not come out with out spending a sizableamount.


While spending more, be cautious that the card isfor your life. It will come with you till the end. The bank is helpful in extendingcredit limits beyond your imagination. They make you feel elevated and improvedyour credit worthiness. You will not see the officer face to face whileoffering the big loan. But you need to face all that comes after you understandthat the interest swallows the principle money kept unutilized. If you feel that you were lucky enough to getmore cards, then you will see that all these cards will play with your lifemore seriously.


These credit cards are for your entire life. Youwanted to get a good recognition in the society and you cannot escape fromthese playing cards. They play with your life. You have been managing bymanipulating the payments from one card to the other. The time gap between thewithdrawal and repayment helped such manipulations. After sometime, it becomesdifficult as the interest and fines engulfs the meager resources. Now that allthe credit cards show unpaid debts, the problems turn out to be worsened. Theincome is declining while the interest and installments are increasing.


All the credit cards helped to find money so far,now play with your inability to pay back. The cards trigger a bad wave ofinsecurity and threaten to find a legal solution. Please avoid thinking aboutyour death coming closer, when you recognize the credit cards’ unruly recoverymethods. It is now detrimental and may lead to nervousness and fear of death.


To escape from the disastrous condition, one needsto know about credit card debt consolidation and repayment by a specialarrangement. You will find a way to live a life beyond the dangerous zone.Learn about the newer idea of consolidating all your debts under the cards andpay them out with a single loan and start repaying the new one with all theintegrity to make a life worthy of living on this planet.


Pnk Guru is a Bank officer turned Businessman, a BusinessStrategist and a Versatile Freelance Writer now guides the youth to escape fromthe hardships of using credit cards.

You should be interested to know more on CREDIT CARD PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS: Credit Cards:Best Debts Consolidation
