How to Add YouTube Video to Your PowerPoint Slideshow
The best solution should be downloading YouTube video to your computer and then inserting into PowerPoint slide. Before that, we should mention that currently YouTube video is basically in 3 video formats: MP4, FLV and WebM. WebM derives from MKV format but was remade by Google with its VP8 code. None of these formats are supported by PowerPoint 2007 or previous versions. PowerPoint 2010 can support MP4 format, after you have installed QuickTime Player.
If the YouTube video format is not supported by your PowerPoint, you should convert YouTube video to PowerPoint-friendly AVI or WMV format. So this article will include two parts: download YouTube video and convert YouTube video to AVI.
1. Download YouTube video
YouTube doesn’t offer a “Download” link itself, but we do have many third party solutions, which could be divided into 3 kinds:
- Online application: Copy the YouTube video URL to their websites and then you can download YouTube video there, like
- YouTube Downloader: Software to download YouTube videos freely and you need to install on your computer first. Take Moyea YouTube Downloader for example, it supports downloading YouTube video by entering the URL or capturing the video while you’re watching online.
- Other: If you are using Firefox, you can also download YouTube video for free after installing some add-ons for YouTube downloading.

2. Convert YouTube video to AVI
By converting YouTube video to AVI you can put YouTube video on your PowerPoint. You can directly convert downloaded YouTube video to other formats in Moyea YouTube Downloader. Here is also a Free YouTube to AVI Converter for you. It enables you convert video formats like MP4, WMV, MOV, M4V, MPEG, RMVB, etc. to AVI format for your PowerPoint.

Finally, insert YouTube video into PowerPoint
Run PowerPoint program, click “Insert” → “Video” → “Video from File”, browse the converted YouTube video and then you can add it to your PowerPoint slide.

Enjoy the fun of viewing YouTube video off-line!
How to share PowerPoint on YouTube
Sometimes, you may also want to share your PowerPoint presentations on YouTube. If so, you can use our PowerPoint to Video converter or Windows Movie Maker to turn your PowerPoint presentation into video and then upload PPT files to YouTube with high quality.