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pursuing MBA




“SIX SIGMA” – THE STATISCAL REPRESENTATION, Is process of quality measurement, which helps the organization

In the improvement of their quality, it’s eliminating the defects or optical which is thwart the organization

To reach the perfection. SIX SIGMA the business management strategy provides tools and techniques to improve the

Capability and make every process flawless.

The very first company who use it was Motorola, Motorola use the method in their manufacturing division. Where

Million of parts are made using the same process frequently. In the long run SIX SIGMA evolved and applied to

Other non manufacturing process. And now days it can be use in many field such as SERVICE, MEDICAL AND


The SIX SIGMA can improve any existing business process by constantly reviewing and retuning the process.

Any company who want to achieve the perfection use SIX SIGMA methodology

Which known as DMAIC (Define opportunity, Measure performance, analyze opportunity, Improve performance,

Control performance). The SIX SIGMA experts evaluate the business process and determine the ways to

Improve upon existing process.

If we talk about SIX SIGMA which means run a flawless business process then first name clicks on my mind

Is MUMBAIS DABBAWALAS, they are the best example of SIX SIGMA, not only in India but they boom in foreign countries too

, in 2003 PAUL .S GOODMAN and DENISE ROUSSEAU, both faculty at

Graduate school of industrial administration of Carnegie Mellon University, made their first

Full length documentary called “THE DABBAWALAS” According to the press release of the TV station presenting

The documentary, “The film also serves as a counterpoint instead of asking how knowledge in developing countries can help less developed

Countries, this firm focuses on how developed countries can learn from less developed countries”. even though they did not use methodology

But if talk about the industries after Motorola the company who started to follow the SIX SIGMA methodology was General Electric,

After implementing the SIX SIGMA General Electric has estimated benefits on the order of 10 billion dollar during the first five year

Of Implementation GE first begin SIX SIGMA in 1995 after the Motorola and allied signal blazed the SIX SIGMA trail.




