Going to home page from any dashboard with out clicking Dashboard homepage
For suppose if you drill for some levels down a dashboard and frome there if you want to come back to first where you started and with out loosing your prompt values selected, then
Use the following script as a button :
if (typeof(onCustomNavigate) == 'undefined')
{onCustomNavigate = function(aValues, sNavPortalPath, sNavPortalPage)
{ var sURL = saw.commandToURL("Dashboard") + "&Action=Navigate&PortalPath="+saw.encodeURIComponent(sNavPortalPath) +"&Page="+saw.encodeURIComponent(sNavPortalPage);
for (var i = 0; i < aValues.length; i++)
{ sURL += '&col'+ (i+1) + '=' + saw.encodeURIComponent(aValues[i][0]) + '&op' + (i+1) + '=' + 'eq' + '&val'+ (i+1) + '=' + '\"' + saw.encodeURIComponent(aValues[i][1]) + '\"';
saw.runThisURL(sURL); return false;}}
<a href="javascript:void(null)"
onclick="onCustomNavigate([], 'DashBoard Path', 'Dash Board name');
return false;"><button type="button">HOME PAGE</button></a>
<td> </td>
Here you go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!