Psychological Assessment By Psychologists In Delhi
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Psychological Assessment by Psychologists in Delhi


Discover Your Child’s Talent

Congratulations Sachin  Tendulkar  and  to every Indian. We are proud of you being compared  to one and only  Don Bradman. May  be  in future you  may  beat his name too in the  game  of cricket! But  this has  not been  true without  his parents support  who  valued their son’s talent and perhaps  because  his  father himself was a great talent. He was  not an ordinary  person  just to feed his  family for regular meals and caring for  them. His  father Mr. Ramesh Tendulkar was  himself a  “Marathi novelist’ and  that may be the  reason why he understood that only scientists, engineering, medical or civil  services or defense  services or  carrying  family business could  not help us  grow that well  as the child’s individual  talent -  when  nurtured and embraced  with  respect.


As far as  the earning of  livelihood is  concerned anyone and  everyone could do  it  some  extent but imagine  if you just  got  a chance to  have a  profession of your choice-not  just  for barely money or  financial  gains but also  to satisfy your inner needs-  then you would be  more  contented, and be at peace. Remember,  as  any  kind of  professional  or a personnel employed  in  Government  Services,  if  you just do something because you  just felt to do it that way- not imagining of promotion or hike or  bonuses-  just  as  it  is  because you  felt  like that. How  did you  feel that moment? The  immediate  gain  was  immense satisfaction and contentment  and  a sense  of  achievement  and long  term gain was your increased self – confidence,  knowing your  own  self and worth, promotions,  hikes, bonuses  and  other  different  kinds  of appraisals.


 I would  like to raise this  point  to every Indian parents  and teachers  not to discourage  your child's talent  if they are not  that good academically. Every child has  got  same  special talent  and  interests. Allow  him or her  to  explore  their  talent and allow them to  pursue their own interests. As an elder you might  have  more  experiences in  your  life  but remember only  in  your situations of your  life and  you cannot  generalize  your  own experiences to  your children or anyone else. So please be  vigilant  before imposing  your own subjective experiences  in  any individual's  lives and presenting it in a  highly "objective manner"...who  knows your child may emerge  as another Tendulkar, Vishwanathan Anand, Chetan Bhagat  or  Lata Mangeshkar... May  be your child  is the one...Good  Luck...


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