Psychology : India And West
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Psychology : India and West


I would like to concur with  the  thoughts of these revolutionary professionals who tried to raise this curiosity of  Indian psychology. I  think our Indian psychology and psychotherapies were far  more developed  than any of these called highly developed nations. Let us  take the example of humanistic psychology, which Abraham  Maslow claimed to invent. I  would just say that he discovered this kind  of theory  from  our ancient culture and just changed the language and  presentation,  otherwise  the  basic  philosophy was still  the  same. Let us see his concept of  Needs hierarchy- we knew  it  very  well but terms  were different. Let us see his theory of education for T-systems, even  then  I would say that we always had "Gurukul" system  of  education  where we do  not  find  anything as structured but at the same  time a kind of discipline was there and  at those  days education was fun, where student has got  the right  to choose the course he was interested in his Guru assessed his aptitude for it and  finally had lots of healthy competitions after their "Abhayas" and nobody was forced to  read all these subjects with  lots of  pressure to perform to score in  exams. Those  days they had quest for  knowledge and knowledge  was more of  practical’s than  theoretically  based, which gave more value for researchers, rather than muggers,  rote  learners  or scorers  in  so called "fairly judged  exams". Now, these international corporate schools  are doing good  business  with  this "activity  based  learning" and "fun based teaching" concept and deceiving  the  masses on the  name of quality education, but  actually  it is just a quality money to be received by the school owners for doing nothing and giving the same activity  to each  of  their student without finding out  their  interests and  aptitude for it  and  finally, these activities are given at home to  complete by the  parents and  finally each  student is graded  according  to the performance of their parents.


Same  is  true  for  psychotherapy. I  think  western psychologist  are rediscovering  those  therapies in  which  Indians  have  already  acheived  great heights, whether it  is  kind  of  psychoanalyses-where  lots  of  "Rishis and  Munis"  in  India were expert in  such  analyses  and they  did not spend  so  much  of sessions  like  psychoanalyses describes - they also  interpreted  your  dreams etc. Moreover, they suggested you to  go  for  different  kinds of  sports and  activities when  you were  in "Vishada" they recommended different  kind off yogic activities  along with  the development  of hobbies  and  keeping  yourself  busy in  something  interesting like todays activity scheduling to  make  the day more  productive and also the motivation  for the achievement. Also,  for proper sleep  they prescribed home made  remedies like  "milk' and "curd" which we all know  that  it  has  antidepressant qualities having serotonin into  it. So, if we have  modern sciences  today  and I  am  not  against it at any moment  even though it  may appear from  my views above as I  am open  to  all  views and when we try to  close our views to  some kind of restrictions with  our dogmatic biases.


Hence,  I  would request everyone to  be  open to  all kinds  of views , sciences  and research and look  it  as  beautiful as science and not reducing  it to ancient  Indian  research like most of the western  professional  are saying it  and  many Indian  Professionals  are  believing that Indian  science could be  discarded.  Actually, nothing could be  discarded but  every discipline could  be enhanced. And  this  we  could  do  only  if  we  are  open  to  all  kind  of  views. Being, open  to  every new kind  of research  and being flexible  to any kind  of  ideas would help us  grow, otherwise what  would be the difference  between  us  and  them  who had  already  closed  doors to  Indian Psychology just because  they had  lot  of  complexes  as their  psychology  is really in  evolution and  probably  they find  it difficult to  admit  this  fact.


Of course, we had  now  psychology  as different  subject, discipline and  profession  as  per  the  western  rules  and standards and  so  we could  thank  the west at  the  same time to provide insight or  "Vipassana" into  the  issue more  seriously.


Good Luck and  enjoy your  work and other activities and do not  close the  doors of your mind to  any new ideas or thoughts but of  course, you need to  close the  doors of  your house  before  you  sleep to  have  a  sound sleep  without  any  fear of inviting thieves etc.  to your house.  And  you  know this is the  beauty of  human mind  that nobody can  steal it even  if  you  leave it open  for  the  whole night as you  dream  something whole  night  and  maybe next  day  your dreams  are true! So  be open  and  positive about  every  piece  of  idea and  knowledge which helps  you to grow….


 With  best wishes  in your  new  pursuits without  disregarding  the  older  ones  and  having  sweet  dreams  of self actualization and taking  responsibilities  which  our Indian  Philosophers said as  “Aham Brahmasmi” so  you  are  the  divine power to grow  and  let  others  grow.  Just do  not  block  your mental channels!



A lots  of  applause to you for appealing a  real cause for psychology. Why to bring east or west or reduce to  Indian or British  or American  Psychology when  psychology itself  believes in lots  of  humanity, individuality and freedom of expression of  your feelings and thoughts in a socially  acceptable , yet in  a very subjective and highly individualistic manner without any kind of forceful decisions or biases. I  am proud to be  an  Indian and  never would go  against our  own roots  of  psychology laid be  several  "rishis" or  "munis" who were highly  philosophical and even have science as described in  "Charak  Samhita" with home based remedies too but today we cannot  compare them with  several self styled Godman who misleads the masses for their own selfish motives and call  themselves "a great human " and  worshipped  as "the messengers  of  God" even  in the highly educated groups. I think  if  we become as  dogmatic as western scholars are to reject as "western  conspiracy" then we would never  be  able to grow and have further researches. As we  all know  that our  Indian psychology - a more of philosophy was highly  developed than  many of  the western  theories but today we  have  come a long  way  from just theories and  philosophies , now it is  just not  a subjective  thought which you may call theory or philosophy it has  evolved  as a science with  structured and  standars definitions  and the philosophy  or theory  is just  a "hypothesis" which demands  certain  kinds  of rules  and  regulations  to  follow  with  international standards following  some statistical norms and this  would then  be no  longer a regional  psychology- then  it would be  a  real  psychology and now more of  a scientific expression of  thoughts in  more  individualized  and  artistic way.


So open  up  the locks of  your  mind-absorb whatever you  feel  is  suitable-whether Indian  or western and go for the cause of  psychology as  a discipline  rather than just limiting  it  to  Indian or  western psychology for  psychology as a discipline  knows no  geographical boundaries,  or  cultural limitations or language barriers. It is a  discipline free of  just these limitations and that  is where its  beauty  lie.


And if  you really believe  in Indian Philosophy, culture  and traditions then how  could you  forget the  word “Vasudheiv  Kutumbukam”- the whole  earth is your home- and  remember Wayne W Dyer’s message that “Sky is  the limit”


Just  see  it  as a beautiful discipline  of “science based on  your  art of  expression of your mind…and not  restrict it  to  region  but  set  it free…for the  masses…for  the  cause of  humanity…for  the  growth  of the  human society by  and large…”


Let us  join  hands  for  the cause  of  humanity  ….Have a  vision and insight (Vipassana called  in ancient  India),  test it  through  the  rules  and  regulations of  science (and  not  through  region  or  religion), and fly like a  free  bird in  the air where sky  is  the  limit.



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