Meaning Of Business Acumen And The Ways To Brush It Up
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Meaning of Business Acumen and the ways to brush it up

Managing Director
Business Acumen are actually two different words, however at time considered as one single word, so if we want to understand the meaning of the term Business Acumen we have to understand the two words separately.

 The first word Business means the art of dealing with the trade and earning profit, however the second word Acumen means the ability to take quick decision on the basis of present prevailing situation, so that the business make turn out to be profitable and thus the whole term business acumen means the ability to take quick decisions to make the end result profitable which is Business.

 Business Acumen is thus the most important trait of a businessman and is mostly responsible for making him successful or unsuccessful; as if an only if a businessman can take quick and profitable decisions he will turn out to be successful and will make the business a profitable venture.

 It may be considered as the ability to take sound decisions in stressful situations which is not an easy task and thus develops with time and experience, everyone is born with a certain set of personality trait and thus business acumen is God Gifted to some, however the other needs to develop the same with experience and some methods like:

 1. Reading business magazines

2. Listening to Business channels

3. Reading books

4. Exploring the new and latest trends prevailing in business across the globe

5. Joining professional business classes

6. Attending corporate Business parties Etc

 However there is no substitute to experience as it’s rightly said that a person learns the most from his mistakes and a failure makes people stronger.

 Business is both Art and science, it’s an art as its learned with time and experience at the same time its science as its based on some principals and thus its always considered as both Art and Science.

 Business is all about controlling your emotions and taking the decision which is beneficial rather than moving ahead with the emotional decision and thus in Business its said that your brain should control your actions and not your heart. Business is based on managing things properly as a true businessman is always a very good manager.

 Business acumen requires true Leadership and sound decision making ability, as only a leader’s decision will be followed and no matter even if you have the capabilities to take decisions and no one is ready to follow them then they are of no use and thus leadership is an important part for business.

 A combination of all these factors lead to a true and successful businessman as these are important traits for being a successful business person.




