Simple Smile On The Face Will Address Lot Of Issues
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Simple smile on the face will address lot of issues

In the tumble of fast modern life people are becoming highly stressful and falling pray to the avoidable diseases. We will find lot of Examples like when you have a heated discussion with your boss/wife/husband/parents/children, when you find a big queue for getting something when you are in a hurry, when a slowly moving car doen't give you side for overtaking, when things happen totally against your wish, when people talk bad about you in your absence, when you don't get proper response to your high demanding need etc., These are all a few things where you will loose your balance/temperament which in turn badly reflects on your image and subjects you to further agony. This will have long term effect on our health.

These are all the situations where one should learn the art of overcoming with a simple smile on our face. A smile on our face will surely rule out violent reaction of the other person. A silent smile will make other person to come to your terms. A smile on the face will avoid lot of conflicts in personal/professional life. A smile also release lot of highly useful harmones in the body which will take care of your ailments, if any.

There are innumerable benefits out of smile. So let us all practice the habit of smiling in all our day to day activities which will definetely help us multidimensionally. Of course, it doesn't cost you anything.

