How MongoDB is driving modern app development?
As we all know that modern application data is massive, complicated as well as unstructured; therefore, it is very challenging to analyze, process and store this data.
To solve the problem, NoSQL was developed which helps in gathering real-time analytics data.
MongoDB is one of the leading NoSQL databases which is used to develop amazing applications. It is a document database which helps in achieving high performance, and scalability.
NoSQL databases have now become popular among the top organizations building modern applications. It is open source and compatible for cloud computing which lowers the cost of app development as compared to the traditional relational databases.
Most of the developers and enterprises prefer MongoDB for its ease of use and broad applicability in different cases. In fact, it has been downloaded more than 10 million times and has thousands of customers all over the world.
If you want to develop modern applications, then you would need frameworks that suit your needs and requirements. MongoDB with its unique database and range of features provides you with a seamless experience of application development.
Why choose MongoDB for application development?
Data is very inconsistent and can vary from one application to the other. It is entirely dependent upon the needs and requirement of the application.
With such inconsistency, MongoDB’s NoSQL database can be an effective way to get rid of the traditional relational database management system.
Let’s now discuss why MongoDB is the perfect choice for application development:
- Its database structure is very flexible, and if you are a small company with less budget, then MongoDB should be your first choice as it is one of the easiest databases to set up and manage.
- MongoDB can be layered into your existing network infrastructure for a hybrid approach.
- The powerful query system of MongoDB can help to extract data from any geo-based location.
- The MongoDB environment is very much secure, but still, you need to follow its guidelines and take some extra measures if your database is connected to a cloud server.
- MongoDB has the ability to scale horizontally, which smoothens the overall application development process.
- You can consolidate different types of data seamlessly in MongoDB. It also provides real-time data reporting and a snapshot view of your data.
To know more about how to use MongoDB for application development, you can take up a MongoDB Certification Training Course which would enhance your knowledge and skills, benefitting your professional career. It’s recommended For Big Data, mobile development professionals must have a MongoDB Certification, to learn more go here.
How is MongoDB is driving Modern App Development?
There are many reasons for the popularity of MongoDB in application development. Some of its advantages as compared to the other databases are on-demand training, disaster recovery, security updates, zero downtime, and many more.
Let’s discuss some of how MongoDB is driving the modern application development industry:
1. Stores Large Volume of Unstructured Data
MongoDB is much more efficient for storing massive volumes of structured and unstructured data as compared to the relational databases.
It can easily add different types of data according to your needs and requirements, and there is also no limit in structuring the unstructured data.
The added data get stored automatically in the JSON format, and you don’t need to specify any data type.
MongoDB is considered as a highly flexible and compatible document database and NoSQL structure.
2. Improves Speed and Scaling
In most of the NoSQL database, the data is segmented together within the documents. It helps in running the queries faster as compared to the traditional database, where the related data is divided into several tables.
MongoDB helps in scaling the database easily. By adding a few more machines, you can scale your cluster in a linear format with the help of auto-sharing.
You can also increase the overall capacity without even a small downtime in the database structure. It is also an essential feature of web applications as the increasing data can delay loading time which can affect the overall maintenance cost.
The data can also be transferred to the cloud or other hardware channels without the need for any additional software program.
3. Easy Development Process
If you want to make quick changes in your database or want to update it regularly without any downtime issue, then you would not want to use a relational database.
The dynamic schema of MongoDB helps to implement things fast and in a much more efficient way.
You don’t need to prepare your data beforehand and can add anything new at any time without increasing the overall cost.
4. Easy Cloud Integration
The most cost-effective method of storing your data is in the cloud. However, it does require to store the data in multiple cloud servers for security and scalability purposes.
In MongoDB, you can pile a huge volume of data without worrying about its security and efficiency.
The NoSQL database adds flexibility within the cloud environment which creates multiple sharing solutions and pushes data across various servers.
5. Geo-Specific Data Analytics
If you want to add location-specific analytics, then MongoDB app development and its database is there to assist you.
You can easily add location-based data in the MongoDB database as it uses some spatial functions which help in getting data for particular locations without complicating the overall extraction process.
6. Support to Mobile Applications
The iterations in MongoDB is very fast as compared to the traditional database. Hence, you can easily scale and make any changes while providing the consumers with a new and improved application.
It also helps in saving the cost as you don’t have to update the RDBMS.
The ability to handle unstructured data and scaling without compromising with the end results makes MongoDB a better choice for modern app development.
7. Powering CMS and Personalized user experience
If you are using a content management system which is designed for publishing different types of content or handling e-commerce processes, then MongoDB should be your first choice.
Its database can handle any type of data which is essential for a CMS-powered application, site, store, and many more.
Providing personalized experience is the best way to interact and engage with your customers. It not only increases the engagement rate but also improves the overall conversion.
MongoDB can examine the behavior of a consumer in real-time and provide a tailored experience by analyzing different data such as demographics, interaction, history, and many more.
8. It is Schemaless
As MongoDB is schemaless, you can easily store a collection of documents with each of them having their own size, fields, and content.
You can also go back and adjust the fundamental values or add or delete them according to your requirements.
It helps in making the structure of a single object clear and scaling the database when needed.
Let’s have a taste of MongoDB in the sample app
Start from creating your own idea using the help of sample app present at MongoDB’s own site. From you’ll learn the concepts of Object Data Mapping with Express.js and Node.js. On top of it you will know how to develop Restful APIs.
Rest API
To create API, we require:
Model the Data
1. Feed Collection
2. Feed entry collection
3. User Collection
4. User-feed-entry mapping collection
1. Feed Collection
2. Feed Entry Collection
3. User Collection
Let’s detect the footprints of the users:
4. User-Feed-Entry Mapping Collection
Mapping of the users to feeds and trying to know which feeds were read:
Check the source for the second part to have a better understanding of the MongoDB.
Now enhance the backend skill with the repository of jhipster’s following code. The application has been developed in Jhipster 5.8.2.
Before starting the project first of all you need to configure the dependencies on the machine. Have the reference from GitHub.
Node.js: We’ll use Node for developing a web server. Install Node either from a source or pre-built bundle. After the installation follows some commands to install development tools. Only one command is needed to run.
npm install
Make use of npm scripts and Webpack as build system.
To make an experiencing development run the next commands in two different terminals
./mvw npm start
Similarly, ‘npm update,’ and ‘npm install’ to manage the dependencies. Do the addition of ‘help’ flag to see the working of commands you are going to use further in practicing the application.
The npm run command will display all the scripts available to execute the project.
Here comes the Service Workers; By default, they are commented, so to switch them back on just uncomment the code.
The service worker so created dynamically generates the service-worker.js
Now we’ll manage the dependencies
For instance, let’s say we want to add LeafLet library of the app to be a runtime dependency:
npm install --save --save-exact leaflet
To enjoy the benefit from TypeScript punch the keys from DefinitelyTyped repository in development
npm install --save-dev --save-exact @types/leaflet
Now import the JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets (JS and CSS) files from the library’s installation
import 'leaflet/dist/leaflet.js';
Make some changes in src/main/webapp/content/css/vendor.css file:
@import '~leaflet/dist/leaflet.css';
Angular-CLI (Command Line Interface)
The angular CLI could be used for making custom client code; like the next command will output the following lines:
ng generate component my-component
create src/main/webapp/app/my-component/my-component.component.html
create src/main/webapp/app/my-component/my-component.component.ts
update src/main/webapp/app/app.module.ts
The next starts the production part
For optimizing our sample app, run the following code:
./mvnw -Pprod clean package
The client’s CSS and JavaScript file are concatenated along with minified. This will also make the alterations into ‘index.html’ file too.
java -jar target/*.war
To see the demo of the application so far framed can be seen localhost, i.e.,
Navigate to https://localhost:8080 in the browser.
Test the Application
Type the command for testing
./mvnw clean test
Client Test
Unit testing is run by Jest and written with Jasmine which is located at this path src/test/javascript/, run with
npm test
Checking the Quality of the Code
For checking the quality of the code Sonar is run. The local Sonar server can be executed from https://localhost:9001 with:
docker-compose -f src/main/docker/sonar.yml up -d
Now run the Sonar analysis:
./mvnw -Pprod clean test sonar:sonar
'Spoke' the MongoDB embedded application
The mundane questions like, What’s the Wi-Fi password? How to connect the printer?, the access code for the downstairs door are well handled by the chatbot Spoke built with AI essence and MongoDB. The chatbot goes far beyond traditional ticketing. The answers are then placed in the email, SMS or the web.
The team maps the chatbot call-backs in MongoDB which assert them in unique sessions.
MongoDB for Bi-Temporal Data
Bi-temporal data is that data which has the relationship between exactly one system supports valid time and exactly the other one supports transaction time.
With the use of the BarbelHisto library, which is an open source project indeed, eases the bi-temporal data for Java professionals.
How Chicago uses MongoDB
Chicago makes use of MongoDB to formulate a smarter and safe city. The whole municipal data was analysed in just four months in real time. The project “WindyGrid” extracts approximately seven million chunks of data from the department.
Windy Grid provides MongoDB-powered analytics with visual maps, providing executives with insights. The alliance of MongoDB created a pivotal nervous system for helping the people with improved services, cut fares and transform into a liveable city.
The Final Say
MongoDB is the leading NoSQL database which is used to store and analyze large amounts of data in very less time.
Its database is also used for developing a few web applications including mobile apps, product catalogs, consumer data management, IoT, and many more.
If you are dealing with huge quantities of data, then use MongoDB for quick response with almost zero downtime. You can also attach webservers directly to its database, which is not possible with the other relational databases.
Author Bio:
I now work in an Edu-tech Industry which rewards me for helping people learning new skills, and setting them on their way to achieving lot many great things. I earlier worked with a fintech which rewards me for helping people take right financial decisions, choose a right financial product at the right time they need them and lot more working experience with it company, startups & best investing Industries, I regularly blogs on Real-time SEO Strategies that work for my clients and existing employers. stay in touch with me at Facebook ,Twitter , LinkedIn .