I Am Not Negative About Engineering Colleges But.......
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I am not negative about Engineering Colleges but.......

This is the first blog that I have ever written. Hence please pardon my ignorance of the blogging-etiquette.

I have been suggested by a good friend of mine to start blogging and being one to follow good advice, here I am giving it a try.

I am basically a consultant who trains and work in the field of education. I have, of late, wondered many a times as to what I am doing.

I have worked with few education institutions and have really felt astonished at the approach of the faculty, management and students.

What is the purpose of education is a question I have asked my self each day since the last year or so. Most students look at education as a platform where they just buy a cup of coffe, look at the passing trains and endlessly wait for their train to arrive. They look not at the destination they are headed for nor at the pupose of journey. They are happy as long as they have a train to catch.

Faculty on the other hand ( I wouldnt generalize) have taken to teaching as if they were born to be teachers. I have met enough faculty in my life to come to a conclusion that IT rejects should be branded "Faculty Rejects" I am waiting for a day when colleges will tie up with the IT industry and reject all the rejects of IT from attending interviews.

I am sounding pessimistic to the extent that if any of my lecturers read this, they would comment on my attendence in engg ( which was a measly 63%, now dont ask me how I got promoted.. )

My sentiments and beliefs here are just to stress that becoming a faculty is more a passion than a simple job. Systems Engineering puts it very well under a pattern called "Escalation". An unhappy individual who has taken his role as a faculty as that of the passenger of the train which has been decommisioned years earlier, is only going to make his students unhappy through his negative feelings of life.

Also Managements look at colleges in two simple terms " how much income and how much for the management seat". There are ( I can definitely agree) many proactive managements off late who have come in to the "business of education" to make a mark for themselvs. But how would even such visionaries sustain, the rules and monotonous, heavily loaded syllabus that the university designs... GOD is education so pain full?

..... my next article, I hope GOD will answer and show me the positives :-)(
