Top-Up Health Insurance Plan
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Top-Up Health Insurance Plan
Mr. Rajender Talwar lives next door to me sounded very worried when he called me up. His father who is almost 65 years old had been ill couple of weeks back and had to be hospitalised. Now he had medical bills of Rs. 5.2 lakh. Out of these the insurance company was to pay only Rs. 3 lakh and the rest needed to be arranged.We arranged the money with help of our other friends and paid the bill but this got me thinking.
My health cover is also Rs. 3 lakh which looked more than enough when I bought it. Now I had a feeling that it was insufficient. I decided to buy another policy to enhance my cover. When I asked my insurance advisor, he advised me to buy a top-up plan instead. As his reasoning, he gave me some simple figures.

A fresh health insurance policy of Rs. 3 lakh, the premium would cost me Rs. 3,444 but instead of that if  I add a top-up plan of Rs. 3 lakh the premium would cost Rs. just Rs. 1,400 which is 60 percent cheaper than fresh policy.

He explained, that the top-up health insurance plan takes care of additional amount of your ground policy (existing policy) if cost of hospitalization exceeds. So, it is much cheaper than a new policy. You could save 40-60 percent on Top-up plan.

I found it best way to enhance my sum assured by paying only a little extra. What are you waiting for? Buy a top-up plan today and save money.
