Management and Its Function
Management and Its Function
- Planning
- Organizing
- Monitoring
- Staffing
- Directing
- Motivating
- Controlling
Planning: For every organization
planning is the essential element. Without planning organization cannot stand.
Planning is the process for accomplishing purpose. Planning is done so as to
take decisions for future. Planning is the psychological process of thinking about
the activities required to create a desired goal on some scale. Planning is the process of forecasting the future.
Organizing: Organizing is done after
plan is decided. Organizing is done so as to rearrange elements by one or more
rules. Organizing is concerned with the design of enterprise. Organizing an organization
is done so as to get everything in the correct order and help an enterprise to
run smoothly.
Monitoring: Monitoring is
the regular observation and recording of activities taking place in an
organization. It is a process of routinely gathering information on all aspects
of an enterprise. Monitoring is done in an organization so as to identify the
problems taking place in an organization and find its solution and observe proper
utilization of resources.
Staffing: It has been an important aspect in all
types of organization’s development. Organizations have noticed a good staffing
plan could increase productivity and reduce operation costs in terms of lower
turnover rate and transition costs. Good staffing could be able to minimize
cost in order to maximize profit, because it could assist the company to stay
more competitive within the industry. According to the definition by Dr. Green,
"staff is the process of identifying work requirements within an
organization; determining the number of people and the skills necessary to do
the work; and recruiting, selecting and promoting the qualified candidates. It
is the selection process of screening and hiring new employees, which includes
functions like resume reviewing, interview, drug testing, assessment testing,
and background check" (Green, 2003).
Directing: It has been described as “process of social
influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the
accomplishment of a common task”. Alan
Keith of Genentech states that, "Directing is ultimately about creating a
way for people to contribute to making something extraordinary happen.”
According to Ken Ogbonnia, "effective directing is the ability to
successfully integrate and maximize available resources within the internal and
external environment for the attainment of organizational or societal
Motivation: It is the activation or energisation
of goal-oriented behavior. Motivation may be intrinsic or extrinsic. The term
is generally used for humans but, theoretically, it can also be used to
describe the causes for animal behavior as well. According to various theories,
motivation may be rooted in the basic need to minimize physical pain and
maximize pleasure, or it may include specific needs such as eating and resting,
or a desired object, hobby, goal, state of being, ideal, or it may be
attributed to less-apparent reasons such as altruism, morality, or avoiding mortality.
Controlling: Control
is one of the managerial functions like planning,
organizing, staffing and directing. It is an important function because it helps to check
the errors and to take the corrective action so that deviation from standards
are minimized and stated goals of the organization are achieved in desired
manner. According to modern concepts, control is a foreseeing action whereas
earlier concept of control was used only when errors were detected. Control in
management means setting standards, measuring actual performance and taking
corrective action.