Of all the words in the English language, I think the saddest are those – too late.
At some time in our lives we must all have had to admit sorrowfully that in spite of all our good intentions we were too late. We meant well, out heart was fully of warmth, our mind filled with good wishes but ……. Are we really to be blamed because this or that intervened, some other demands cropped up which seemed more pressing? Surely our friends ought to know that we meant well and intended to take some kind of action . Surely they should realize that we would not hold it against them if they forget or were too late.
In our own minds there may not be such a wide gap between the intentions and the act, but to our friends the gap can be infinite.
There is not much consolation in being told “I meant to do so and so, but such happened and I never got around to it”.
Some times we are slow by nature with a tendency to reverse the old proverb and never to do today what we can put off till tomorrow. And we are so caught up in a web of trifling jobs and demands that tomorrow never comes. In allowing our minds to be filled with petty problems, the more important action is set aside. At the end of the day .we find that other time consuming little job pushed the important one to be bottom of the list, and we realize this, it is too late.
“I meant to write” “I meant to ring up” “I meant to make up the quarrel” “I meant to come over” these are lame answer to someone in need, since we did not do these things, we not only missed an opportunity to impress our love and concern ,but we may have caused genuine distress to those whom we have disappointed and its “too late”.
But an action that reaches out to another in deep sorrow is the hand of true friendship .It tells us that we matter more than anything else, that we are too important to split from their memory ,that no other concerns or demands will take precedence over our needs .
“The clock of life is wound but once ,and no one has the power to tell us when the hands will stop ,at late or early hour .Now is the only time you own ,leave, love ,toil with a will .Place no faith in tomorrow for the clock may then be still”