Evolution Of Bulb To LED Lights
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Evolution of bulb to LED lights

China LED light supplier.com
Since 2001, China's real estate business began booming trend, led the related industries, said LED light supplier china, such as decorative market, lighting market, building materials market development. We can see the evolution of various bulbs together today.

After decades of development, the domestic lighting industry began to gradually mature. In much room for development, we are also facing very serious challenges, in this situation; companies have to reposition the lighting market, to change their business model to market changes. He has come into our lives lamps are mainly three kinds, namely, incandescent, energy saving lamps and LED lights. The world's first electric lamp to give people recognized none other than non-incandescent, incandescent in 1879 the famous American inventor Thomas Edison. It is the largest output, the most widely used lamps according to the T8 LED tube light suppliers and there is the birth of LED lights. CFL official name for rare earth dichromatic compact fluorescent lamps, which in the 1970s was the Netherlands, Philips manufactured out. Energy-saving lamps and incandescent size similar to an incandescent lamp socket interfaces and the same. Energy-saving lamp can completely replace incandescent, energy saving lamps consume only ordinary incandescent consumption of fifth to one-quarter, a significant reduction in lighting electricity costs, "energy-saving lamps," the name that way.

Although energy-saving lights than incandescent lamps is more environmentally friendly, more energy efficient, but also retained the incandescent doing it - frequent switching is easy to burn the bulb, then went LED lights come out. We still need to consider when we buy LED flexible light strip for use. 
