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The 1009th Visit
The name KFC brings water to our mouth. But this water in our mouth is only the result of the indefatigable efforts of a man, Colonel Sanders. He showed the meaning of "Chasing your dreams".

When Colonel Sanders was 65 years old, he received his first socialsecurity check of US $99. He was broke. His only asset was a secretchicken recipe. He left his home in Kentucky and traveled to the manystates in the US to sell this recipe. He offered his secret chickenrecipe to many restaurants for free. All he wanted in return was asmall percentage of the sales. However, he was shown the door by manyrestaurants.
” Get out of here. Who wants a recipe from a white Santa Claus?” therestaurant owners shouted, referring to the dress code Sanders adopted:a white shirt and white trousers.
Over 1,000 restaurants rejected his offer. Many of us would havequit after making one or two unsuccessful sales calls? On his 1,009thsales visit, one restaurant finally accepted his offer.
Today, KentuckyFried Chicken outlets and fatherly Colonel Sanders’ statures are foundall over the world. He has changed the way the world ate chicken-finger-lickin’ good!

When Colonel Sanders was 65 years old, he received his first socialsecurity check of US $99. He was broke. His only asset was a secretchicken recipe. He left his home in Kentucky and traveled to the manystates in the US to sell this recipe. He offered his secret chickenrecipe to many restaurants for free. All he wanted in return was asmall percentage of the sales. However, he was shown the door by manyrestaurants.
” Get out of here. Who wants a recipe from a white Santa Claus?” therestaurant owners shouted, referring to the dress code Sanders adopted:a white shirt and white trousers.
Over 1,000 restaurants rejected his offer. Many of us would havequit after making one or two unsuccessful sales calls? On his 1,009thsales visit, one restaurant finally accepted his offer.
Today, KentuckyFried Chicken outlets and fatherly Colonel Sanders’ statures are foundall over the world. He has changed the way the world ate chicken-finger-lickin’ good!