Introduction Of SEM / PPC
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Introduction of SEM / PPC

SEO Executive

Introduction of SEM / PPC

Search Engine Marketing(SEM) or PPC (Pay Per click) is a method thathelps in promote websites to increase visibility in search enginesthrough paid placements, content advertising.

How it works?
We create simple effective Ads and search engines displays our Ads topeople already searching Online for the information related to ourbusiness.

We need to be very specific so that search engine will show our Ads tomost specific audiences. How is it possible? And the appropriate answeris "Keyword Bases Advertising".

When searcher entersa query to search engine say "SEM institutes in Delhi ", Search Enginedisplays a number of relevant search results, like to SEM companies,articles related to SEM, SEM institutes in Delhi, SEM blogs, SEM booksetc. Along with all these links search engine also displays Ads thatlink to websites those are teaching SEM, providing knowledge on SEM,SEM tutorials, SEM guidelines, SEM institutes in India and otherservices related to searchers query.

Lets talk about Google Adwords to create Ads. Google Adwords isGoogle's Advertising Program. It allows you to create simple effectiveads and Google displays them to Google search engine result page.

Following are the Steps we need to start with Google Adwords account to diplay our ads to Search Engine:-

* Keyword Reseach Task needs to be done
* Create Adwords A/c
* Set Campaign
* Create Ad Group
* Place Ad copies to Ad Groups with Keywords.

These are the basic steps we needs to do before LIVE your Ads toGoogle. The Google Adwords Account charges is INR. 250. You can loginhere for adwords account One time payment and you can create multiple campaign in your account.

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