SMO is as important as SEO
There is a strong bond between SEO and SMO and it is observed that social media optimization affects search engine optimization and the page rank of a social optimized site improves dramatically. This happens because a search engine uses the approval of the users of social networking sites such as Face Book or Twitter to rank a page. If a page of a website is “liked” by users on the social networking site, it is counted as a vote by the search engine and as votes increase so does the ranking of the website and the position of the website on the search results becomes higher.
Since search engine results are becoming more localized, the importance of social media that has local presence and the activity of websites on local social media is becoming increasingly important for SEO. A professional social media optimization service would be able to help in achieving this for the website as an enhanced SMO will give an expected improvement in SEO as well.
Just as SEO services should be taken from professionals in the line, it is best to take help of professional social media optimization company for your requirement of the same.