Managing Ur Boss & Subordinates
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Managing Ur Boss & Subordinates

Placement Manager
I havefollowing observations:

You have created this imaginary line of senior and junior this is not fare.
You have judged your junior as subordinate rathar than colleauge.
You did not respect indivdual on the basis talent but on the basis of seniority.
You want to be respected by your socalled juniors and work under you.
This above approach is more conservative and you should adopt more liberal view.

Focus on your job and do yourself first in order to build confidence of junior in your ability that will automatically establish respect for your competancies and skills.
Do not depend on juniors for any assistance and complete your assignment as your responsibility despite you work with one group.
Finish your assignment and present your boss and inform him the participation level of your juniors in this assignment and explain him about what makes you to work alone or independently instead of gruop or team due to some fundamental principles of team work do not exist.
Then only your boss will understand your plight and remedy to establish decorum for juniors if your organization believes in business.....