Bassic 10 Tips To Improve Your Reading Skill
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Bassic 10 tips to improve your reading skill

Marketing Associate
  1. You need not to be a great reader to get the point: Some get sharp memory where they read fast and remember everything in a short time while there are some who read very slow and need a couple of times to memorize. It doesn’t really matter, as long as when you read it, you get the information what you are seeking.
  2. Know the reason you are reading for: Is it for entertainment or to learn something from it? Make your mind up why you are reading before you actually start and you will very much develop your knowledge and understanding.
  3. You don’t have to read each and everything in the note/text: Not all magazine, letter, or email you receive will contain all the information you want. Actually, all are junk. Remove it, hit the delete key! Doing this will double up the time you have on hand to read.
  4. Reading all of what you DO read is not necessary: Do you read all the article of every magazine, every chapter of all books? If so, you are undoubtedly spending a lot of time in reading which is not very great. Select the chapters and articles which are important.
  5. Search before you read: First check with the contents, index, topic headers, and photo captions, etc. which helps you verify that you have the real interest in this reading, or what information you are likely to get from it.
  6. List your reading: It is not easy to read everything all at once. So, if it is important then read it now or else let it wait.
  7. Improve your reading nature: You will read faster and understand better if you read in an environment which is comfortable for you to concentrate.
  8. Once you start reading, do not stop: Read all straight through. If you complete and have questions in your mind then go back and read again the appropriate sections. If you don’t have any questions, then get ready to move on.
  9. Focus: Don’t ever forget that you are reading with an intention, so focus on that purpose only. If you lose interest, take a break and get refresh. You can also keep track of where you are by following along with your hand. This simple method helps you focus and improve your focus.
  10. Practice: The more you read the better reader you’ll become. So, nourish your mind by reading regularly.