Happy Land Happy Life
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Happy Land Happy Life

Sr Subject Matter Expert
See interview of Siva  Prasad

Happy land, happy people!

Why do we say there are too many people on the planet? There is enough food for everyone if we all share. We need many people to share and make things easy for each other. When we start sharing with each other we make connections and we can create a healthy world, a happy world, a happy human family. This is the message I want to give to everyone.

In Lebanon, thirty-eight years ago, I remember no chemicals being sprayed on the land. I remember people enjoying each other and the land, bartering and sharing produce, and growing different things: corn, wheat, apples, grapes, vegetables, figs, eggplants. Everyone had a piece of land to grow a different thing, and it was beautiful. There was connection between people, the land and the universe. You saw the land very green, very nice. I don't see heaven upstairs - I see the heaven in the land. And Heaven is in the people, between people. Before the sun set, everybody finished working, and went to prepare their showers. We boiled the water in a big drum - me, my sisters and brothers - and tipped the water over each other with a cup. We washed and dried each other, feet and body. Everyone did the same. Then we went out and met other brothers and sisters and friends in the street: we all knew each other - we were all one community, one family. If we didn't know a person, we were happy meeting them and getting to know them - the streets were a way to meet - this is the natural way. Everybody helped each other. Everything was barter - no money. You helped me one week; I helped you the next week. Every day was like this: healthy land and healthy people. There was no need for counsellors, psychologists, meditation, yoga, or other things; there weren't many hospitals, doctors, or chemists. People didn't need fixing; they just lived the natural way. Nowadays people are searching everywhere for healing, trying all kinds of modalities. Many don't find what they are looking for, because what they really need is to be part of a loving and sharing community.

Through growing organic food, we can create community. As I have experienced, in organics, everyone works together: the growers, the wholesaler, the customers. They are my family. Many people in this industry understand that they are in it for more than just making money. They do it because in their hearts they know the value of true community. They want to provide quality produce that will truly help people grow healthy. My customers are happy to take food which has a few spots on it, because it supports the grower, the retailer, the wholesaler. If I see that people are supporting in this way, I give them the food at no charge. People don't want to just throw out organic food, because they know it is valuable. It takes a lot of time and effort to grow organic food as opposed to conventional food. I say, Easy to grow —› easy to throw; hard to grow —› hard to throw!

I am not doing this as a business, to make profit. I could find many ways to make more money than I do. All the money I make goes into buying more food to give people. I value my customers: they are special, they are human beings like me; they are my family. It is not enough to just sell them food; I give them my heart as one human being to another. My customers understand this; that is why they are here buying good food. I do not sell bad food - food that has no nutrition or that makes people sick. I sell food that I know promotes good health and beauty on the inside, as well as on the outside.

Before I opened the organic store, seven years ago, I was a regular user of medication and not a happy person. I was not eating organic foods before opening the shop, although I did eat food as fresh as possible from the land, home grown. I thought it was the good way to eat. I used fertiliser and sprays in my backyard vegetable patch. But it wasn't good enough for my health. I visited the doctors, visited the hospital, and they checked what was wrong with me. I was very tired, and did not know what I was doing wrong. I saw people sitting beside me who were suffering from diabetes and other health problems. It was at this time that I decided I wanted to set up something to make myself, and others, free of health problems. I said to the universe: "Let me change!".

And so every day - every week - I educated myself on healthy living. I saw myself improve. I then wanted to open a shop for organic and natural sugar-free products. So I opened the shop, and sold organic natural products, sugar free products, and also organic meat and chicken. I thought the meat was good because it was organic. I served juice as well. When I made a juice for a customer, I called them my "family", because they let me grow - they let me see the truth. And every time I finished making a juice, I drank the leftovers from the jug. Every day was like this. As I cleansed my body, I could see the doors being opened in my mind. I realised I had the key to my health: through eating this way, I could open the door for releasing every block in my body.

The next step was after six months, when I decided not to sell organic meat or chicken - no live kill in my shop. I learnt there is no need to eat meat to be healthy, as I discovered in myself. Now I find myself, every day, every week, every year, seeing the world in a new way - because there are no more blocks. I have no need for the doctor, or for medications, or for the hospital. Just organic fruit and vegetables. I'm happy every day. And that's why I am sharing this message. I want to make the whole world happy, every day.

This is why we want to stop the chemicals. We want to stop them because they destroy the health of ourselves and our families. Who eats the chemicals that are sprayed on the food? My brother, my sister, my father, my mother. We are all one family. We introduce each other as our family, and we don't want to destroy each other, we want to share. That is why we need people to be on the land. The land needs us. There is plenty of room for everyone. The land needs people to work, or it gets too dry. Even now, most farmers use chemicals, and yet we need more farmers to grow organic. Remember when the farmer sprays chemicals, he protects himself with a mask, so the chemical does not affect him - because chemicals are very dangerous. When you spray on fruit and vegetables, it gets absorbed into the skin of the fruit and vegetables, in the same way that it would come into you if you were not wearing a mask. We eat the poisoned fruit, and it goes inside us. We may kill the insects, but we are also killing ourselves, killing our family, killing each other.

The land is sprayed with chemicals in order to increase production. However, this is at a cost to the land; there comes a time when the land is spent, and cannot yield any more. Consider the analogy of having money in the bank. You make, say, a hundred thousand dollars, and say to yourself: "I have been productive!" What happens next? You decide to go on holiday. Every day you withdraw ten thousand dollars from the bank and enjoy it. How long will it last you? Ten days! And after that, what happens? No more money in the bank - dry! And so it is the same with the land. When you take from the land every year, and give it chemicals and artificial fertilizers and hormones to grow, then when the land gets sick it cannot give you any more. You give something to the land that is poisonous, and that is why we are now sick. We have large hospitals, we need more doctors, more nurses. If we use the land in the natural way, the no chemical way, we will be happy and healthy.

I have heard people argue that it doesn't matter whether we eat chemicals in our food or not, because we are absorbing pollution all the time from the air around us - from cars and industries. What people don't realise is that our bodies work in a very similar way to a car, in that we have our own filtering system to cleanse toxins from the blood. With a car, when it is fed the wrong petrol, the filter cannot remove all the junk from the fuel and the car smokes out a lot of pollution. Eventually the engine works less efficiently and its life is shortened. With people, when we eat foods full of chemicals, our bodies become overloaded with trying to filter out the toxins. As a result, our filtering systems cannot cope with any further toxins from the air we breathe or absorb. When we eat pure foods, we can process any other chemicals we absorb; we can filter them all out.

Both body and mind are affected by chemicals. When we are blocked by toxins, in mind and body, we no longer understand each other clearly. We lose our intelligence. When people get sick they go to the doctor, and they rely on the doctor to fix them with medications, instead of helping themselves. And sometimes even doctors themselves are sick, with overwork and stress. We all have the ability to look after ourselves. Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food! Food is more important than meditation. When you have healthy body, healthy blood, you have automatic connection to the Universe, and you are in meditation all the time

My message is not just about chemical free food; it is about the importance of sharing and community. In our society, for what are we working? We work hard and long hours, to make money so one day we can visit each other and travel. In the meantime we don't see our families, and as a result become stressed and tired, and develop health problems. The stressed person cannot enjoy life, and cannot really be a part of community; stress divides people and families. He finds he needs to use different drugs to make himself happy, and medications to maintain his health. If we shared this land, with each other, and extend to each other, and go on holidays with each other, the whole world opens for us, and we have it all in front of us. What would anyone want more that that?

When we share together, when we know we are one family, then the world becomes happy. If every person plants one single grain of wheat in their backyard how many wheat plants can come from the one piece of grain? Ten, fifty, and more! In every backyard we can have fifty wheat plants. And we can just keep sharing and spreading more and more wheat. And the whole world will have wheat, from that one grain. It is the same with people. We all come from the same wheat. We are all the same, white or black. Sister and brother, one family. When you see the light, do you see positive or negative electricity first? You see both together, that makes the light. That is why we want all to connect with each other. We want the governments to connect with other governments. We want to talk with each other about the dangerous things, weapons and poisons, and we want to use connection instead of the weapons. We won't fix the problem until we make peace with each other. Forget the different names, the different religions. In the shop, every product has a different barcode. We don't want this with people! We all have the same barcode. Everyone can say "I want to make the best for this country" no matter what religion or political party they choose. When we work together, this connection can happen. Peace is power. We can grow trees instead of making weapons. We can train people how to grow vegetables, rather than how to kill.

The land needs us. We don't need many factories, we don't need plastic, people don't need to work in factories; there are plenty of jobs for everyone on the land. The land dries up without us, and when you see the land dry up, you dry up too. It doesn't matter how much money you have, or how many weapons - the sadness of the land comes to you. We are connected to the land. We can go back to the natural way. When will we make the decision to wake up? When you are young, there are days when you are very happy; when you say "isn't it a beautiful day today!" We can make the world this happy. We start by eating the right food, grown on happy land. Make the land happy, and the people will be happy.

We can support each other. The farmer today cannot find enough support, so he uses chemicals to grow more crops to make enough money for his family. We can use our voices, ask the Government to support the farmer to grow organic instead of spending on hospitals and drugs and chemicals and guns. 'Poison' means 'danger - death'. There is no difference between chemicals and guns: they both kill. The Government and Health Departments know these things are poisons, and I question: why are they still being used? Growing organic is less expensive for the Government in the long run, because there is less spending on health and weapons. We don't need more hospitals; we just need to rediscover how to share. There are less psychological problems when we share, because people are not lonely. People have connection, and connection is good for the mind.

We have very high technology now. Doctors have very high training and knowledge. There should be less sickness, but we see more!! We are treating people who are already sick from eating wrong foods and absorbing hundreds of different chemicals and toxins and additives in the foods - colours, flavours, sweeteners, preservatives, hormones. Food is too processed. It is dead food. Why do people have excema, allergies, cancers? We spend millions of dollars on research into these things, yet the answer is very easy. We want to spend that money on the land, to help us grow natural food, and people will go back to their natural state. Science is showing that organic food is far more nutritious than chemical-grown food. Organic foods make you strong. People eat meat and chicken and fish because it thinks it makes them strong - but these foods are full of toxins that block the body. Meat is full of stress hormones made by the dying animals. When you bring dead food into your body, you cannot be fully healthy. Mad cow disease is a recent example of this. The human being cannot absorb all the animal products we eat - the fats block digestion. As we grow older we need more fruits, vegetables and grains for our digestion. These foods contain everything we need - vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. In their natural state, they are live foods. We need more research on these foods and what is truly good for us.

Our bodies are made of the same elements as the land. We grow, live, and die the same - on the Earth. When we poison our food, we poison ourselves. When we poison the land, we poison our body. For what purpose do we have material things, if we lose our health? We cannot enjoy the material things any more. We cannot be happy when we are sick. It is the same with the land: if the land is sick it cannot give to us. If we destroy the planet we live on to make more money, we cannot use or enjoy the money. We need to do action together: this is important now, for us to wake up, to get into balance and peace again. Once upon a time we had this balance and peace. We can have it again. When we change ourselves, our eating and habits, we can change our family, and we can change the world.

This message is for everyone. If you read and understand this message, you have responsibility to share it. We can share this message with people at all levels in society. Use love, not jealousy or competition. Love can change people. We are all born at the same level; as human beings, we walk on the same ground. I don't mean to offend anyone with these words; I speak with love and my message is peace. That is why I am organic. I eat organic, I talk organic, I live organic, and I give organic.
