Some Ethical Ground Rules For My Fight!
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Some Ethical Ground Rules for my Fight!

Business Analyst
Before starting my fight for the Career Break of a lifetime (that would be the first!) -- Let me take the Name of God, and Pray That He Watches over this. It's when problems and troubles pile up too high, and there are too many imbalances working against one person, that God Chooses to take that person's side.

And I Do Feel His Presence now, and that gives me strength.

IN recent years, I've developed a great belief in the "mythical" Battles that were fought for "Good" vs. "Bad". The "Mahabharata", for example which I don't think is a myth, I believe it really happened, and the "Good" side did win!!! It's wrong of me to take the example of Great Warriors like that, and drag that Greatness into this mess I'm in, but... well, everyone needs their heroes!

That great story, also cleared up a few cobwebs in my mind, about whether I'm "Right" or "Wrong", about what's "Good" and "Bad". And now, I'm totally, 100% clear that I'm the "Good" side, and I'm fighting for what's "Right". Every morning, I wake up with this renewed belief, and that motivates me too.

Now, why should I wear a "halo", why am I the one who's "good" and "right"? (It may seem a bit excessive to most people, but I like to examine my Ethical grounds thoroughly, before I start fighting). The "Good" side, is the one that constantly checks and examines itself, tries to correct itself, and duly factors in every mistake, using that experience to get better, and moves forward again. And I know I have. The "Bad" side, on the other hand, consists of stigmas and fixed notions that never change. It's the side that keeps brutally attacking, and hurting, savagely attacking....Never questioning itself, never improving, in fact...not even thinking.

Ok, That needed to be said, now ground rules in the next one.

S. Iyer




