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Services, particularly of the software/IT kind, thrives on innovation in its basic format and fabric. Fifteen years ago, bodies of resources, or staff-aug, was the in-thing; the impending march towards the turn of the century brought in Y2K services. Subsequently, internet commerce blazed grounds for dot-com/B2C/B2B service offerings; and then, with economic normalization, large-scale enterprise outsourcing services came to fore.

As the industry grapples with what is next, we have an fact, in due homage to the template of success laid out by gigantically popular companies of the day, the idea here is not new nor is it rocket-science. The only trick here is to flavor it as a formal offering and to pay utmost focus to it as such.

The idea is that of Software Product Sustenance ---- i.e, partner with product companies to take-over their dying/end-of-life/sunsetting/retiring/non-core lines. This is the annuity modelof the future, and is partnership at its truest. Service providers sustain their customers' products and get paid for productivity delivered.
