Human Clone, Sounds Good. But, Is It Really Good?
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Human Clone, Sounds Good. But, is it really good?

Sr Network Architect

When your laptop gets old and really slow, you try to wipe out the unnecessary stuffs, scan for viruses and try to harden the operating system in the hope that it can be used as a brand new box instead of wasting more $$ and buying a new one. Buying a new one is good, but it’s a pain if you have to re-install each and every licensed software’s on it. But, once you realize that you have to get rid of your old laptop and that can be used only as a paper weight, then either you have to throw the sucker out of window or you have to use it as I said as a real paper weight. :-)Now, once you buy a new laptop, you have this thing at the back of your mind that you will only use licensed software’s and no more hacked stuffs or torrent downloads.

This is what exactly happens when you get old and you wish your internal organs function the same way when you were young, but alas! you are getting old and soon will be wiped out from the earth. That’s how the life is. All that’s born has to die some or the other day. But, look at the technology, just like the dual processors in computers, scientists have come up with human clone. You can make an exact copy of yourself (a young you!!); meaning the exact human appearance. But, what about the internal organs? It’s all new, fresh and young. So, it’s like a brand new laptop with all new processors ready to roll. But, just like the computers when it’s new, the cloned human won’t have any data, ie. he won’t know who he is or who she is, because we didn’t feed him or copy the data. I am not sure if you can copy the data in you to the new cloned human just like you transfer data from your old to the new computer. Personally, I don’t think it’s possible since all the data or information that we have is what we leaned bit by bit from our surroundings and how we were brought up by our parents. To transfer this data to the new cloned body is highly impossible unless the scientist come up with something really unnatural. But, do you think it’s really good to clone a human? If you ask me, i would be willing to. I, Soj, will be kind of immortal. Wow!!!! Isn’t it something? :-) And I will educate the new clone all that I know and give him his identity. Then he becomes I, but no matter, what you feed the new guy with, he wont become exactly you. But, that won’t really matter. Problem comes when underworld guys start making their clone. You can never say if the person you caught or behind bars is the real person who did the crime. Or you make many clones of yours and use them for various illegal stuffs and you are never caught. So, do you think we should really start cloning humans? Humans are too curious that they will try out anything that comes to them and when it happens, they will try the real thing which could be real bad and might pose a real threat to the entire humanity and imbalance the natural habitat of entire living beings.
