Voting In India Through Mobile Phones
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Voting in India through mobile phones

Hands on Software Engineer
Yesterday i saw a digged article in which Sam Pitroda was trying to mention about voting in a democracy through mobile phones. And before going to sleep, i thought of this crazy idea about how it may be implemented... Let me share it with you...

As you know India is going to give a national id card to everyone. I was thinking how about having an ID card which will have an encrypted image on it which will store all sorts of data, be it biological or anything one can imagine... One national team will develop a mobile application which will decrypt the image to extract all the information... The telecom regulatory authority may issue a law that to sell a mobile phone in India, the manufacturer will have to install this application and it will be secured so that no one can uninstall it from the phone.

Now what this application will do... Once we take a shot of that encrypted image on the ID card with the phone camera, the application will decipher all the data stored on it...

So we will have a secured voting website...The person who wants to vote will go to that site which will ask the user to launch that application...Once it is launched the user will simply take a shot of the encrypted image on his ID card... And thats it... The application will feed all the data to the server through a secured connection and the website will take the user to the right constituency... And then he can simply choose his candidate...

Let me know what you think about it...