Weight Lifting And Its Necessity
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Weight Lifting and its Necessity

Lifting weights should form an important part of your daily workout by using sports equipments as it will rapidly burn away the fat. As you progress and gradually start lifting heavier weights you will burn lot more calories than you consume. This will lead to muscle strength and make you physically fit and agile.

Weight lifting is indeed a strenuous exercise and you must be guarded and make it a point to progress gradually and not rush into it. Lifting too much weight too fast can cause incalculable harm to your health. It would therefore be prudent that you get trained in weight lifting by a qualified and experienced trainer who can guide and monitor your progress.

In present times, when incidences of diabetes, heart ailments and obesity are becoming increasingly rampant, the need to do regular physical exercises including weight lifting assumes importance. Please know that lifting heavy weights, that calls for real physical effort, is necessary to maximize muscle growth.

Weight Sets

But also remember that merely because you are lifting some heavy weight, it does not straightaway mean you are working on the intended muscle. It is quite likely that you may not be concentrating on the specific muscles you want to develop – unless you have a planned approach to weight lifting.

It will be lot more purposeful to lift lighter weights and have a more productive workout, instead of being overly enthusiastic to lift heavy weights. If you pay no attention to a scientific way of weight lifting, you will get hurt sooner or later despite the best warm up exercises. Weight lifting has to be done with a right timing sense and the general rule is – two to four seconds for lifting of the weight, one to two seconds in full contraction and four seconds for lowering of the weight.

Weight Benches

There are also many other factors involved in weight lifting and you should desist from deviating from the normal path. There is a natural way your joints and bones have to coordinate and for every weight lifting exercise, this can be different. If you do things wrong, there can be stress on tendons, joints or the spinal column that will lead to complications.


If you do not go through the whole range of motion of a weight lifting exercise, you will not reach all fibers/portions of the muscle. Make it a point to use the full range of motion, so that a number of other muscle groups also get worked out. In between two weight lifting exercises, rest for about 60 to 90 seconds.

Most people avoid breathing when they are lifting weights and this is can prove harmful. Breathing during weightlifting goes far beyond the simple inhalation and exhalation. If you use proper breathing techniques while weight lifting accessories, it can help you gain muscle faster, save you from injury and supply your body with the oxygen it needs during strenuous lifts. Improper or irregular breathing can cause giddiness and possibly fainting.

All these only go to show that you should not attempt weight lifting in a haphazard manner on your own but obtain guidance from a seasoned weight lifter. For a number of people weight lifting can be challenging and physically demanding. Also, remember weight lifting means you will have to be extremely patient and rigidly observe your diet plan and faithfully follow the rest pattern to reap the rewards.
