How Important Is Workplace Environment?
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how important is workplace environment?

Automobile retail and BD
In today's world, most business owners senior management as well as professionals would be able to elaborate on the virtues of workplace environment and its impact on productivity as well as how it improves on-job behaviour.

But i was quite surprised to see some of the most important organisations in the country conducting business in some of the most pathetic work environments.

recently a truck had rammed the rear of my car and damaged the vehicle badly, all this in peak hour traffic and to top it all the driver had no driving licence either.

so i decided to register a police case and went to the police station(Pondy Bazaar -T.Nagar,Chennai) under whose jurisdiction it had happened.

while the policemen on duty were smartly dressed and were courteous and dealt with the case registration very efficiently AND WITHOUT ASKING ANY BRIBES whatsoever!(contrary to popular portrayal in movies and TV serials!), i was shocked to see the dilapidated condition of the Police station and the sub standard work environment provided to them.

The building walls, wiring, the fans, were extremely old and dirty and it was sad to see the Sub Inspector, 3 constables and all the complainants and accused crammed into a 8 feet by 8 feet tiled-roof room with no proper ventilation either.

The less said about the furniture, the better and i am sure that it wouldnt be amiss if one day the policemen demand washing allowances for their uniforms.

while the media and press make such a hue and cry to the Human Rights Commission when criminals are improperly treated, it is sad that nobody ever notices these things and raises any remarks!this shows how much the ploitical system respects the law.

while the police station undoubtedly generates some of the largest revenue for the department, one wonders why the policy makers can't allocate a suitable amount of money for the maintenance and upkeep of the workplace of some of the most demanding responsibility-handling careers around.
