Stock Markets- A Place For Gambling?????
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Stock Markets- A Place for Gambling?????

Country Head and MD

Stock Markets!! The first thing you hear when someone says this is, “I lost lots of money in stock markets”. Such common comments make one wonder whether anyone makes money from the stock markets at all. Theory says long term investors always make money, partially true. But how many of them are long term investors? Most of them come to stock markets with a view of long term investing, but in no time they turn into intraday traders only to lose their money and burn their fingers never to return to stock markets ever again. Most parents and elders give advice to their children’s and other youngsters that stock markets are very risky and one should only invest in fixed deposits, Real Estate & Gold. The Problem is there is no proper awareness of the stock markets and it is mostly perceived by others as a place for gambling and not for long term investing. How many of them out there know that they can insure their stock portfolios with the help of options? When it comes to other investments and assets we never do anything without insurance- Health Insurance, Property Insurance, Life Insurance. But when it comes to Investments in stock markets, nobody uses insurance to protect from downfall. That is a dangerous way of investing. Professional Investors don’t care if markets go up or go down, because they use their financial knowledge leverage to make money irrespective of which way the markets go. If one is aware of stock insurance, i.e. Options, one need not worry when the stock prices fall. No wonder the amateur investors always complain when the stock market tumbles. The need for the hour is better financial awareness. If invested professionally, there is no other asset like stocks which can deliver fantastic returns over a long period of the time. Investors need to become smart and not just blindly believe or follow what they watch on their business TV channel. 


Supreeth S M
