Forget Goal Setting ? Implement it immediately......

Friends, do you Forget Goal Setting ? Implement itimmediately......
Let me first sharemy experience with you, every year beginning, I conduct retrospect & SWOTanalysis on my personal & professional life and I took 360 degree feedbackon my strengths, weaknesses, achievements & failures from my friends, familymembers, my superiors, my colleagues, my team mates, cross function/crossdepartments colleagues, even though my clients and my service providers…....This gives a good picture of identifying the right goals for next year and alsoprioritize them.
Goal Setting -
Setting up goal isan art, just hypothetically setting up any goal will not lead to success rathertends to failure. Goals must be set based on history competency, capability.The goals & its values on targets should be little more than expectation, thatwill motivate you. Choosing right value of each Goal is very tough, value lessthan competency / caliber will make the Goal easy, and the focus to achieve theGoal will loose and at the same time, excess value / tough goal may de-motivateyou. You can also take opinion by expertor well wishers. The Goals & target should not be biased on any state ofmind. Motivation or De-motivate many times happens consciously or many timesunconsciously. There is a very thin line to divide Motivation Vs De-Motivationand Confidence Vs Over-Confidence. If the Goals are unrealistic, it mayde-motivate you unconsciously and if the Goals looks very ease, you mayunconsciously fall into over-confidence, in both cases the chances of meetingthe goals are rare.
Action Plan -
Second Step ispreparing Roadmap or Action Plan. This is most important. None of the Goals can be achieved withoutproper Action Plan.
Continuous Measurement -
The Last but notleast critical aspects is Continuous Measurement of Goals, its priority, itsAction Plan and Status of Action plan. Every one gets affected by Internal& External Environment. Be it your personal front or Business. There aremany environmental variables which doesn't have under your control. Therefore,the Goals, its priorities or even action plan can change. Therefore, you mustcontinuously measure it and take the necessary changes incorporated on regularbasis.