Thankfulness is a great virtue

प्रथम वयसि पीतं तोयमल्पम स्मरंतः , शिरसि निहितभारा नारिकेला नराणाम् ।
ददाति जलमनल्पास्वादमजिवितान्तम , न हि कृत मुपकारं साधवो विस्मरन्ति ॥
English Translation of this Sanskrit Quote -
The Coconut trees remember (the gratefulness) the little amount of water they were fed, when they were saplings, carry loads of coconuts on their top and supply humans with very-tasty and sweet water in abundance, for their life-span. (The Wise never forget a help received)....
Explanation -
Everyday we receive umpteen, unseen blessings in various forms. Most of the blessings go un-thanked, for we do not know whom to thank, for what we received. Most of the favors we receive, we think, are too small to be thanked. This is narrow-mindedness.
Thankfulness is a great virtue.
Here, in this couplet, the Coconut tree represents Good Man. As a coconut trees get very little water during its sapling, but still throughout its life span it supply fruits (coconut) and that too filled with very sweet water (Coconut Water)...We should take lesson from it. We shouldn't forget the blessings, which we got be it small or large and we should give fruits (our maximum help) to whomsoever is needy, without any motive. We should see our help is merely a thankfulness of the blessings we got.